Chapter 2: Unexpected Violence

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Chapter 2


Unexpected Violence

"Now introducing, from the mountainous land of the Storm Giants, Thiassi the Storm Giant sorcerer!"

The entire stadium roared with joy and anxiety. Save for Ari Dark-Wing.

She was horribly pale from worry. Just after the argument with the Jotun who refused to give up her seat, then finding out that she was in the warrior dugout, Miraak assured her that she would be sitting with the warriors. Not only that, but she would be fighting with the warriors. In front of everybody. Her stomach churned with dread as each warrior was called into the fighting rink; minute by minute, she could feel her fight coming closer. She didn't even have a weapon or shield to defend herself. What could possibly happen? What was Miraak, her beloved father, planning for her? Would it be the usual "fight to the death" or just a small quarrel?

No matter what the case was, she would be fighting in front of the entire Blodisen Festival and there was no doubt about it. Perhaps I'm just overreacting, she thought, Miraak would never put me against one of the realm's best sword-wielding brutes!

Snapping back to life, she grabbed onto her mucky seat and pushed herself upright. Her nails were sinking deep into the cushioned leather underneath the chair. Tears ran warm lines down her slender face and dripped onto the polished stone floor. She couldn't believe her nonsense; all her 16-year-old life, she's wanted to fight against monsters and defend what is rightfully hers. It seemed foolish to be crying over something that she wanted her entire life.

She decided to pay more attention to the current fighters rather than worry about what was to become of her. The fight between Thiassi the Storm Giant and his opponent had already begun. She knew Thiassi quite well, so she often asked him about his current necromancy potions and projects. He was most unusual in a Frost Giants eye; Storm Giants often had long, flowing, white hair and purplish skin. Sometimes, even Ari wondered if she was a Storm Giant due to her violet skin. But Storm Giants had a much deeper shade of purple, more like an indigo. Their silver or white hair was common to their species, unlike the Frost Giants, who were adorned with a darker range of colors such as black, brown, or dark blonde.

He fought with such elegance that it almost seemed as if he was dancing. His lengthy hair whisked through the air like clouds on a windy day. Unlike the other warriors, he handled no weapon. All he dared to use was sorcery, never even touching his opponent once. Yes, he was the most skilled sorcerer in Jotunheim, but she still worried about him getting injured. He always seemed like her uncle, usually because she hung out with him while he was assembling potions and he always seemed to be there for her. "OOOOOOOH," the audience screamed as the enemy was struck down by a ferocious lighting bolt, crippling him. Thiassi finished him off by summoning up a gigantic snow lizard which clawed vigorously at his scarred torso, tearing the soldier apart. The servants dragged the bloody corpse out of the arena and congratulated Thiassi for his victory.

Miraak stood and the whole crowd silenced.

"Now, this next contestant is a very... special... warrior. Ever since a she was child, she has desired to fight for the safety of Jotunheim and her loved ones. Although she has never gotten a chance to do so, the counsel and I have decided to give her that chance. Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you, Ari Dark-Wing!" the king announced. She struggled to hold back tears as she was called forwards into the center of the arena. How could life get any worse? She was about to face a Frost Giant warrior that probably had years of training when she barely had any. Standing up there in the middle of a 100,000 seat arena with 200,000 eyes focused on you and all those 200,000 eyes might just witness you dying, what could get worse? That was one of the only moments in Ari's life where she felt like she was going to die. So, why didn't she? Why didn't she just die of humiliation? Those questions rocketed through her head faster than a fire demon running from a blizzard.

As she reached the tunnel that leads from the dugout to the arena, before the gates opened, Miraak appeared behind her, "Hey, my little snowflake. I know you don't really have a weapon of your own, so I went down to the dwarves of Nidavellir and had them craft you this." He held out his arms to reveal a double-bladed dragon sword. "Don't worry, its detachable into two separate swords, but I had it crafted with the essence of Jotunheimr dragons. I did that so it would match your personality. Right, my Dragon Goddess?"

"Thank you, father... I never expected such a gift. I will use it to the best of my abilities. But, dad, is this a fight to the death?" Ari asked. "Well, that all depends. You see, if you kill him, then yes. If you are about to be killed, i will automatically stop the fight," he answered with a comforting smile, "Try your best, sweetheart."

The gates opened and revealed her worst nightmare on the other side. Ektyn the Undefeated. Oh gods, what have I gotten into? His face was already covered in muck and beaded with sweat. Shivan described him many times, and all the times he did, he made him sound like a complete god. But then she remembered something that she had that he didn't. She was the god. An actual god. The Goddess of Dragons.

The unfortunate thing was, she couldn't figure out how to use her powers.

He raised his enormous ice club and prepared to strike, as did she and her sword. He unexpectedly struck the ground, sending shockwaves through the dirt floor. She faltered and dropped her blade, sending fear into her heart. He released a ferocious roar that signaled it was time to get bloody. He charged at her, unaffected by her place in the royal family. She scrambled to pick up her blade and sprinted out of his range, causing him to dramatically crash into the brick wall. "Arggghh!" Ektyn screamed as he swung his bloody club once again. It was hard to avoid his bulky attacks each time he charged at her with his black, pointed horns.

"Are you afraid, pinkie? Fight me."

"I'm never afraid to fight weaklings like you," she answered harshly as she spat on the ground near his feet.

He speedily launched himself into the air with a beast-like growl and crash landed right behind her, sending her rocketing across the arena, her sword going the opposite direction.

And everything went black.

Hidden in the Rubble [Book One]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang