hate - jalyssa?

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the end of the f***ing world one shot w james and alyssa(i would suggest this show to y'all, just keep in mind that the first three episodes were kind of shitty)

james' pov
you know, sometimes i absolutely hate Alyssa. Up until a few months ago, i was quite content with thinking i was a psychopath with no emotions.
then i met her.
now, after all that she's lying next to me in bed, her head on top of my bare chest and i can't help but smile.
i hate that i love her
fucking prat.

alyssa's pov
james can be a real fucking pain sometimes. take right now for example, i'm trying to sleep but i just can't because his heartbeat is so quick and loud when i'm near him, and he's holding my hand, using his thumb to stroke the back of it and it's really all just too fucking adorable for my liking.
i hate that i love him.
fucking twat.

james pov
After the whole incident with murder, being wanted, getting shot and taken into custody, and then getting acquitted, and now living with alyssa, i sometimes find myself having nightmares, which is a thing i never had the displeasure of having until recently.
life was a whole lot easier when i was a psychopath.
then, i didn't have anyone to care about nor did i have feelings
now i can't help but smile when i see alyssa, or kiss her spontaneously at some of the worse times.
"hey, weirdo! are you fucking listening to me?" alyssa's loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"i'm sorry, love, what did you say?"
"I said, let's dance!" a grimace appeared on my face and she must've seen it before i could replace it with a blank expression.
"i don't know lyssa , you know i don't dance really..." i was hesitant to be vulnerable in any form around her, or anyone for that matter, snd to dance was to be vulnerable in my opinion.
she rolled her eyes before grabbing my hands(even my "weird" one)and dragged me to my feet. she put on a song i didn't quite recognize and danced like no one was watching. though she does always dance like that, even when everyone is watching.
i hesitated for a moment, not wanting to dance because i didn't want her to make fun of me. i then realized i had nothing to lose, considering all the embarrassing things she's seen me do before.
but, before i could even consider how i was gonna dance, the song changed to a much slower one. i heard alyssa sigh, as though this brought back old memories.
"can i have this dance?" i smiled, and blushed slightly, leaning down to peck her cheek. she grabbed my hand and pulled me close, resting her head on my shoulder after she put one hand on my neck, and the other within my other hand.
we danced slowly, definitely not to the beat of the song but we didn't care. we both giggled when she stepped on my foot, and when i tripped, nearly causing us to fall over. i tried to pull her closer to me, but she was already as close as could be. i noticed the song had changed, but neither of us pulled away, but instead just continued to dance.
i leaned down, and trailed kisses from right below her ear, along her cheek, and finally to her lips.
"you're such a prat, i hate you." she spoke harsh words, but the smile on her face and her content sigh told a different story.
"i love you too, Alyssa."

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