Natasha stayed crouched down next to the tub, putting some soap on the loofah and starting off with rubbing Mia's arms. As she did this, Clint had realized that she had never gotten to finish curling her hair. He smiled a bit to himself, more of a smirk, though. He swiped the curler off the sink, and began to do her hair. Natasha was about to interject, but he was quick to cut her off.

"Let me do this for you." He told her, running his hand through the non-curled hair, before he enclosed the jaw of the iron around her straightened hair, and rolled it upwards. Natasha didn't say anything to him after that.

"You guys excited for today?" Natasha asked them, right as Clint had touched the curler to her skin, burning her scalp somewhere. She hissed at him, and got a silent apology as he backed away for a few moments.

" Da. What will we do today? " Alya asked with a hopeful smile, splashing around in the water as she waited for her mom to finish washing Mia, and come Wash her. Natasha smiled and shook her head a small bit, only because Clint had momentarily pulled the curler away.

"It won't be a surprise if I tell you, sweetheart. " she laughed a bit when Mia slumped her shoulders with a fake pout. Clint caught this too and joined in the laughter. Alya whined and told them it wasn't funny, and soon enough was laughing some herself.

"Um..can we get a clue?"  Mia asked hopefully, slapping her tanned hands together hopefully. Natasha felt Clint put the iron down, and step away to admire his work.

"Nope." She answered, making Mia lay down in the water a bit so her hair could get wet. She grabbed a shampoo bottle and scrubbed it all over her hair, causing it to stand up until it was rinsed off again. Then she motioned Alya over to get washed.

Clint ran his hands through her hair a bit, loosening the curls some. Then, he was satisfied with his work, and bent over Natasha's head, technically hovering over her. He kissed her temple in an upside down stance, lingering for some time before he pulled away.

"You look nice," he whispered against her forehead, his lips softly brushing her skin as his breath washed over her face because of his closeness. She smiled a bit, trying not to loose control of her hormones; like he was trying to make her. He stepped away, crouching next to her, and offering to help finish washing Mia's hair.

"Alright, Ia. Come here babe. Daddy's gonna wash your hair." He motioned for her to come toward him, as he grabbed the hair conditioner, and squirted it into his hand. He finished her hair up, and helped her get dressed as well, just as Natasha had been doing for Alya. He helped her pull on her new dress, covered in floral patterns with a black background. He dried her hair, wrapping it in a towel before he handed that same towel to Natasha, so she could do the same with Alya.


Clint held Alya in his arms, and almost dropped her when she tried to jump away because she saw a ladybug. He quickly adjusted, moving his arms and holding them around her stomach.

"Hey, be careful!" He scolded, losing his breath quickly in panic. Alya whined and continued to try to catch the ladybug. It flew away as expected, and he finally got her upright in his arms. He gave her a seriously reprimanding stare into her equally blue eyes. To be honest, the girl's eyes changed from blue and green. There was no certain color.

After the few seconds that it took her to look at him and nod in understanding, they continued to walk toward the car. "Alya, the lady bug will come back if you do a dance." Natasha smiled as she sat down in her seat, waiting for Clint to buckle in Alya's seatbelt.

Alya's face lit up and Natasha took out her phone, and immediately began recording. Mia danced with her sister, as they both began rolling their wrists over the other with their hands balled in fists, moving side to side. Then they started doing the sprinkler at some point. Clint laughed and closed the back door, hopping into the passengers seat. He watched as Natasha recorded their kids doing funny dances to whatever song was playing. He was pretty sure it was beyonce, which was Natasha's favorite singer.

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