15 final.....?

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I was on the plane to Australia. Junhon is sitting next to me listening to music. He decided to come with me so we could continue our work. I'll set him up in training once we get there, because with all this shit that's going on, he needs to learn how to protect himself.

I said bye to the boys two days ago. It absolutely broke my heart, but it will keep all of us safe. We made a deal to not contact each other unless it was necessary, and I don't think that anyone would dare break that rule.


About 3 months later

Taehyungs pov

I heard the door slam with great force. I'm sure that everyone in the house could hear it

"Kim taehyung!" I heard a deep familiar voice shout "where is my son?!"

Shit. Why the fuck is he here.

I ran to the entrance and greeted him "dad" I bowed "what are you doing here"

He grabbed my collar "where is that bitch!" He screamed in my face

"dad please calm down. Who are you talking about"

Mr. Kim "y/n. I'm talking about that bitch y/n"

I felt a sting in my heart after hearing her name. the boys came rushing in after hearing the commotion

Namjoon bowed "Mr. kim, what do we owe the pleasure?"

Mr. Kim "I know you've been hiding that girl. I want her in front of me now!"

Namjoon "I'm sorry sir I don't know what you are talking about" he held his ground

He let me go and made his way to Namjoon

"dad! If you're so sure we have this y/n character, then check the house. If she's here, then you can do whatever you want to me, but I swear to you y/n is not here"

He stopped his movement towards namjoon and turned to me.
Mr. Kim "If you're lying to me boy, you're going to be in so much trouble"

With that he stormed off looking through the house. Luckily y/n had told us to wash everything she touched, throw away anything she left, and to never speak about her freely. We all followed what she said. And right now, I'm happy we did.

None of us dared say another word until he came back.

When he walked back to us he looked a lot calmer then he did when he first arrived.

Mr. Kim "I'm sorry son I should've believed you. I'm just riled up because of what happened at the company." He sighed heavily

"what happened?"

Mr. Kim "let's go talk in your office"

We walked down to the basement and into the office

Mr. Kim "the company had cops crawling all over it today."

"what? How were they able to do that?!" I faked my surprise


Mr. Kim "I assume its y/n again. She stole billions from us a few months back."

"how did she manage that?" I smiled on the inside. She's incredible

Mr. Kim "I don't know. She's a smart girl. Anyways someone had found a week spot in the company and showed the police. Of course, many of the employees are already talking. They'll shut down the company in a matter of hours."

"what are we going to do." I, again, faked my concern

Mr. Kim "me and your mother are going to move out of the country. We have enough money to keep us afloat for many lifetimes."

"what do you want me to do?"

Mr. Kim "we have another account with billions on it set aside for you. You can go wherever with whomever you want. You're free to do as you wish."

"thank you, dad. But, what are you going to do about y/n" I was genuinely concerned for what he had planned.

Mr. Kim "we can't do anything without coming out of hiding."

"so, you're saying that you're letting her go?"

Mr. Kim "yes. For now," I felt a weight be lifted from my shoulders

"I'm sorry all this happened" I said to him faking my expression. I felt so much joy on the inside

He stood up. "it's not your fault son. I'll get going now. I need to leave with your mother in an hour"

We walked out to the entrance where everyone had stayed waiting for us.

Mr. Kim "I suggest you warn your parents. There is a girl out to destroy everything we have built, and she's already successfully taken me down. Good luck boys" with his last remark he stepped out of the door and left. Never to return.

Yoongi "what happened" he asked his eyebrows scrunched together

I smiled at him

"y/n did It. She set me free. And she's not going to stop until she sets you guys free too"

Jimin "you're free? You don't have to kill anymore?" He sounded excited

"nope. Dad is going into hiding and I'm free"

Jungkook "she hasn't forgotten about us" I went and gave him the biggest bro hug

"she could never forget"



so kiddos i think ill end it off here. this book isn't written to the best of its potential but i hope you liked it non the less.  i already have a slight plan to make a book two. Honestly I was going to make it all into one book but I'm afraid it might disappoint. it would be about how y/n takes down the rest of the companies.... this book didn't get many views so i don't  know if its really worth it.  if i don't do that i think i'm going to write a new ff:)))) i have a couple ideas laid out but idk

anyways,,,,,,,,, thank you for reading it means a lot!!!! Please share and vote it would mean the world 💕💕💕💕 love ya kiddos

I'm so happy I hit 100 reads wowwowowoowwo thank you kiddos :)

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