Shaggy, silver, chin-length hair, choppy and loosely framed around a well-structured face that was partially covered with pair dark goggles. Bleached uniform and golden medal at his heart.

It was none other than the Queen's Charles Grey.

"Please wait a moment." He said calmly, irking me.

The last time I had had an encounter with Grey, he had taken all the desserts at my disposal at the Queen's Royal Monthly Dinner to irritate me without any ulterior motive. I should also mention that Ciel failed to attend said dinner due to 'unavoidable circumstances', so he claimed.

"The victor--"

The doors burst open seconds later and a horse tramped Grey to the ground, hoof meeting skull in a sickening crack as he hit the floor. The white horse came to a halt feet before us, whining a bit before letting out a small snort to signify it was done moving and the old woman that was proudly holding its reigns smiled wide.

At once, Ciel and I rushed forward to her.

"Your Majesty!" I cried out with a grand smile, hands clapped as I approached.

She seemed a bit surprised to see us both, but her shock melted away into happiness the moment everyone gasped, realizing that it was the Queen herself.

She waved at them all kindly. "Good day to you all."

"What brings you here?" Ciel asked in slight amazement.

I throughly enjoyed the time I was allowed to spend with Her Majesty, no matter how quick it may be, she was always the loveliest and sweetest woman in the nation, without a doubt. Not only was I showered with gifts and praises whenever we met, but she also never failed to make me feel loved, even if I was part of her royal court.

She was like a second mother.

Ciel's eyes flickered to Grey when Her Highness didn't answer.

"Are... are you alright?"

Rolling my eyes at Grey's small digression of a response to Ciel, he rose from his spot on the floor and looked towards the judges at the stage, getting back to the point at hand.

"...I believe Her Majesty has something to say."

Aiding her off her horse, Grey flashed me a smile before the Queen began speaking, leaving me with a scowl.

"The aroma that filled this venue reminded me of the curry I once ate with dear Albert on the Isle of Wight..."

She snapped open a small locket that she had in her hands and instantly collapsed to the ground in a heap, sobbing over her late husband as Grey bent down to comfort her with the usual Albert doll he carried around just for situations as such.

The people around us seemed mortified at her sudden state and I couldn't help but smile embarrassedly, now understanding why Rodric had initially told me that it would have been best if she did not attend.

"Quite the character the Queen has, hm?" Lau asked, smiling cheekily.


"Your Majesty, please pull yourself together."


Murmurs began to float around when the doll began to speak in consolable phrases and Ciel snapped at Lau, also glancing at the Queen in uncertainty.

"Hold your tongue, Lau."

Dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief and standing back up, Her Majesty spoke once more, sniffling a bit as she did so.

"I received invitation to be a judge for today's event, that would mean I too have the right to cast a vote, is that not so?" She asked, stepping up to the stage and taking the trophy with her.

"And I choose the DelMare Industry and its representative, the butler Rodric." Placing the trophy in his gloved hands, she smiled and nodded at him. "Yes, you, young man."

West cried out in disbelief the moment she had let go of the prize, sprinting up to her in such a way that I was ready to order for Rodric to stop him in his tracks. However, he was only questioning her and I was displeased to know he still wouldn't be getting his due payment. Yet.

"H-How?! How can the curry we made lose to a fried doughnut stuffed with curry?"

Her Highness pointed to the crowd of Englishmen and woman and spoke, unfazed by West's rudeness.

"Look there."

Ciel, Lau, Soma and I also turned to see what she could be referring to and it took me a moment, but when I understood both her and Rodric's intentions, I smirked, arms at my hips in pride.

What a devilishly clever butler I had.


...My Countess orders, I obey; Anyone who dares interfere, will have Hell to pay...

Kuroshitsuji: The Contract from Birth [Ciel Phantomhive]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя