Chapter 9 - Kakariko Village

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Early next morning Mipha and Link met in front of the castle with the four Royal Guard members assigned as their escort. The lieutenant in charge of the group approached Link.

"Good morning, sir," he said. "I'm Lieutenant Gadlin and the leader of our group. Our orders are to accompany Princess Mipha and yourself throughout your trip."

"Good morning, and my thanks to you and the rest of the Royal Guards for doing this. I hope you don't mind," said Link. "Let's talk over here." Link walked with Gadlin out of Mipha's hearing.

"Not at all, sir. We are honored to help and, frankly, hope to enjoy some time away from the castle. Do you have any special instructions for us?" said Gadlin.

"Only that if it ever comes to it, you are to do everything in your power to save Princess Mipha and not worry about me. She is the possible future Zora Queen. I am a soldier and can take care of myself if necessary," said Link.

"I understand, sir," said Gadlin. "But I don't think it will come to that. I probably shouldn't mention this since I believe Her Highness didn't want you to think she was overreacting, but besides the four of us from the Royal Guard, she ordered a squad of eight soldiers to check the road ahead of us as we travel and sound the alert if anything looks amiss. So you are even better protected than you expected."

What a thoughtful person Zelda was. How could he ever thank her?

"Don't worry Lieutenant, my lips are sealed," said Link. "But thanks for telling me. We can start anytime you're ready. And anytime your group wants a rest, just let us know. I think the plan is to stop for lunch at the Wetlands Stable."

"Thank you, sir," said Gadlin. "Yes, that's right. And that's where I may meet the leader of the other squad. We can go now. I already received a report that the road ahead is clear."

They began the four-hour ride to Wetlands Stable. Mipha and Link rode next to each other, two guards rode ahead of them and two behind. Link could tell from the way they comported themselves they were skilled soldiers. They were intent on scanning the countryside as they rode. And he knew only the best qualified were invited to become members of the Royal Guard.

"I am looking forward to visiting Kakariko Village and meeting Impa," said Link to Mipha. "I have not had a chance to explain to her what happened. The Impa of my former timeline played a huge role guiding me in my quest and our ultimate defeat of Ganon. By the way, I don't think we will get a lot of tourists from Kakariko Village. The Sheikah people who live there have adopted a simple life. But some may find the idea of a retreat to a mountain area with peaceful waterfalls appealing."

"I'm looking forward to it as well," said Mipha. "I can tell you're a bit tense and worried after our talk with Zelda last night. Please remember that I am capable of taking care of myself if needed, and can heal injuries too. So try to relax. We'll all be fine."

"Okay," said Link. "Do you know the history of Kakariko Village? Many years ago Kakariko Village was founded by Sheikah people as a refuge during the period in history when there was a falling out between Sheikahs and Hylians. Almost all the current residents are members of the Sheikah race, but they are now loyal supporters of the Hyrule Royal Family. The Yiga Clan is a splinter group of Sheikah who pledged loyalty to Ganon."

Thanks perhaps to Zelda's precautions, they did not encounter any problems along the way. They stopped at Wetlands Stable for a short rest and lunch. While he and Mipha ate lunch, he noticed Lieutenant Gadlin conferring with another officer he hadn't seen before. He assumed that was the squad leader. The unknown officer left shortly afterward, and a little while later Lieutenant Gadlin said it was safe to depart anytime they were ready.

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