*-* Fake Possession *-*

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Chapter 5


"Mom, I'm home."

You went on finding your mom decided that you will tell everything now to her. You can't keep this to yourself, you need her. She's the only one you can rely on with all of this bullshits.

"Mom?" you asked again, and for the second time no one answered.

You went to the kitchen hoping to find your mom there maybe organizing or cooking but,

You saw your mom hugging your step sister while comforting her.

And here and there your step sister faking some ugly cry and sobs making your mom worried and curious.

She smirked when she saw you and rolled her eyes while mouthing 'She's mine now, your mother.'

You felt a pang in your heart and numbness spread through your senses.

Instead of running away you hid, eavesdropping in the conversation your real mom is having with your fake sister.

Your step sister knows that you can't run away just like that so she acted, acted more hurt than ever that way she'll make your mother more worried.

"Mom, she's getting Jimin away from me. I never knew she would go that far."

The statement made you shocked and it pulled the last tring of patience you had.

"I know sweety, I'll cook some comfort food, you okay with that?"

"Yeah mom, that's better."

You heard them laughing and giggling and the topic changed from you being a bitch to your sister's whines and likes.

Hot tears fell from your tired eyes and once again the sky cried with you. You now ran out of your house not minding how drenched you got earlier and how you'll get sicker being soaked again. You shouted all your frustrations.

Your mom being blinded by your step sister, how easy for her to manipulate people around her. She's the one stealing your loved ones from you.

Nothing was left for you to hold, possessions? No, nothing now. All was fake, like you having your boyfriend.

You're angry at yourself on how perfect it must be for your step sister to have everything and how she can be idolized by many.

She took away everything from you and here you are looking like a ragged doll being tossed out of her new home.

You went to the nearest bus stop where no one even dared to go. It was good for you, you don't want anyone to see you.

You cried there and curled like a ball, you promised yourself that you'll not get jealous but your heart and feelings are betraying you.

You are jealous from her having everyone by her side especially your mom and Jungkook.

The one you like.

You smiled through the pain and just laughed sarcastically and looked at the sky pouring rain nonstop.

"So you're the only one I got? You always cry with me don't you?"

The sky stopped raining hard and slowly brightened up. You laughed having the mischievous feeling that the sky can understand you, well at least it understands you.

You felt sleepy even though it's only eight in the evening.

Must be a tiring day, you thought to yourself. You didn't notice yourself falling asleep at the bus stop's waiting area and with that you entered dreamland.


"Awake?" Jungkook's warm voice welcomed you as you woke up in his arms. You smiled and snuggled more in his chest and felt his warmness.

"Yes my love, how about you?" Jungkook laughed and pecked your forehead while teasing you a little bit.

"I didn't sleep, how could I sleep when I'm protecting you from robbers?"

You stood up and realized that you're just dreaming. You saw yourself sleeping at Jungkook's lap and him eyeing you weirdly.

"And are you dreaming? Love?" you blushed because of embarrassment and you ignored Jungkook.

Wow, what a good start for you Y/n.

"Uhh, sorry I-" and he snapped his fingers at you and you got shushed up. He put his earphones back at his ears and mask on his face.

"Follow me. You need to explain."

And you followed him quietly.

No one dared to speak or ask a question. You're just walking side by side brushing each other's hand at occasionally. You held onto Jungkook's jacket on your shoulders to keep yourself warm.

Yes, his jacket was still on you and you blused more red than before.

How I wish we're walking because he's walking me home not because I caused a trouble again.

The thought that dissapointed you because it will never happen.

"Enter first, I need to lock the gates."

You stopped at a house, a normal apartment type, it maybe his home. You entered clueless but followed his commands with no questions.

He entered removing his backpack and putting it on the floor and removing his mask and earphones, placing it on the center table.

"Sit, be comfortable. I'll get some tea." he said after locking the gates and the door. He went to the small kitchen and prepared some tea.

You're happy seeing Jungkook's home and even Jungkook's routine but,

You're shivering because of the air-conditioned room and the fact that you're still damp is not a good idea.

Your body was cold like ice, lips being bluer than the dark sky and eyes shutting down constantly because of tiredness.

Jungkook went over to you and handed you a mug of tea. He left you again going to this room and in a minute went back with clothes in his hand.

"Shower first, and then we'll talk."

You nodded, placed the mug at the table and hop in the hot shower after getting the clothes from him. You relaxed and cried again silently, aware that Jungkook might hear you.

You looked at your short, frizzy and dry hair at the mirror.

You looked at your short, straight and not gorgeous lashes.

You looked at your arms filled with scars reminding you of hard days.

You looked at your nails being short and nasty looking.

And finally you looked at yourself as a whole.

You're short, ugly and a peasant.

You don't possess traits a princess have, you really do deserve the treatment your getting from everyone.

You got dressed after and touched the wound on your forehead.

"Bitch." you muttered remembering her throwing the perfume bottle to you.

You found a bandage on one of the drawers and sticked it in your wound. You look decent, looking better than before.

You went out of the bathroom and saw Jungkook looking at you.

You smiled but he didn't return one instead he returned it with a question you'll never know how to answer.

"So, what's your sister like at home?"


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