The Wedding

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(Frisk) "...heh..I'll never leave you...l love you"

(Phone) buzz buzz

(Chara) "'s my phone...*checks massage*... OMG!...UNDYNE AND ALPHYS ARE GETTING MARRIED"

(Frisk) "WHAT! Omg...we need to get outfits *Frisk is filled with determination*"

(Chara) "haha...I'm getting a suit"

(Frisk) "okay I'm getting a dress"

(At the store)

(Chara) "*looks at suits*"

(Frisk) " hey Chara...what do you think of this one *the dress is covered with other dresses*"

(Chara) "*doesn't really see it*..yeah it's nice"

(Frisk) "I'm going to go try it on" its a nice dress, I wonder if she'll like it

(Chara) "ok" I didn't really see it much but I bet she'll look cute...*looks at suits* "ugh" none of these people are suits will fit me...ugh if only there was more female shaped suits...*finds one that will work*...oh this one is good

(Frisk) *comes back* " what do you think?" *smiles while wearing a cream coloured dress with buttercups on it*

(Chara) *looks at Frisk*...y-y-you lOok GrEat.." *blushes* omg she looks so cute

(Frisk) "haha...thanks..*blushes* you have your suit picked out yet?"

(Chara) "y-yeah, I'll go try it on" *goes to changing room*

(Frisk) "okay" *smiles* she's probably going to look great

(Chara) *cones out changing wearing a very nice black suit* " does it look?"

(Frisk) "y-you look *blushes* amazing

(Chara) Omg she likes it "thank you"

                    (Wedding day)

(Frisk) "I can't believe undyne and alphys are getting married. It's a beautiful place too" aww it's so sweet

(Chara) "it really is" I wonder when it'll be me and Frisk's wedding..I MEAN WHAT!?!

(Frisk) "haha...I'll be back in a second, I'm going to the bathroom"
*starts going to bathroom*

(Chara) "k sweetie" first time calling her sweetie and I like it

                      (Sans comes)

(Sans) "hey kid" hmm..what's Chara doing here?

(Chara) "huh..*heart beats faster*..h-hi"

(Sans) it seems like they've changed...I'll them a break "how are you"

(Chara) "um, I'm fine thanks" I hope he's not mad with me

(Sans) "anything going on? ...I heard you call Frisk 'sweetie' something going on with you two?" Well it seems like it

(Chara) "y-yeah..we're dating" *blushes*

(Sans) huh "well, good luck kid. I hope you have a happy relationship" hmm..I actually do..I guess the kid changed, they're a lot nicer *starts walking away*

(Chara) "w-wait.."

(Sans) "yeah kid?"

(Chara) "c-could you give me some advice, I've never been in a relationship ship"

(Sans) "oh, well you love Frisk right? it'll naturally come together..oh and I just thought something..*grin* heh..when your love is really can propose"

(Chara) "H-HUH...S-SANS!?!...w-well...ok..thanks"

(Sans) "no prob kiddo" huh, happy I helped *leaves*

(Frisk comes back)

To be continued...

Love that stoped evil Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin