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| L A V E N D E R |

It takes me a second when I wake up to register the events of the day before. and then another second to check my clock and realize that "yesterday" was a dream. he's not outside my window waiting against the hood of his car. I can also see that I woke up half an hour late. Fantastic. I'm not excited for today and I am at the same time. So what, it didn't happen. I still get to see him today, God, do I want to see him today.

I pull on a pair of looser fitting jeans with a few rips in them, a nice comfortable faded blue. Then my white hoodie and slip on a pair of slides to display the cute violet colour on my toes. I'm out the door quickly after applying mascara and perfume. A true record.

He's not going to care what you look like anyways, don't pay attention to it so much.

I lock the door behind me while I pull my bag onto my shoulder. In my rush I don't look up and the crash is inevitable really.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

My gosh he sounds nice in the morning.

"Thank you."

"Hmm?" The noise I make is posed as a question I think, or it's the noise my body makes on its own because he smells so good. "For what?"

"I didn't say anything, Lavender."

"But you just--"

The way he shakes his head when I finally make eye contact with him stops my words from passing my lips. Drop it. Of course.

"Why are you in a rush? I told you I'd pick you up today."

"Hmm, I guess I forgot." I hope he can't tell how happy I am that everything was real. I also hope he can't see the rose colour clouding over my skin because I know everything else was real too. "I thought you said we were taking your car?" It seems the only good decision I've made in the last while is not wearing blush today.

"Yeah. I changed my mind. Hope you don't mind, Lav."


"Not at all."

He hands me the helmet for the bike, once again leaving him without one, but I don't argue. Everything happened, the kiss, the holding, the touching, the words, the looks it all happened.

"Tight, remember?"

I answer by wrapping my arms around him and pressing my hand against his hard abdomen before curling the dark fabric of his shirt in my fists. I hesitantly lay my head against his back and my only thought is 'hard." Everything about him is hard, what he's made up of, hard muscle, bones, flesh, thoughts, voice, eyes, lips, hands, hard.



I nod my head slowly against his back. These conversations inside my head seem to get less strange and more frequent. That's fine, it gives me something to think about instead of the kiss that didn't happen outside my house that he promised me. That's fine too.

I almost jump off the bike when I feel his hand come down on my thigh, it's gentle, and warm and he squeezes my leg, barely, but I like it.

Then it's gone and we're pulling into the school parking lot. I did not prepare myself for the eyes that would follow the loud engine of his bike. It's hard to ignore, impossible to miss and I am living in la la land clearly because I missed it. I climb off the bike then Luke pulls the key out and kicks up the stand. He turns to me with a small smile that fades quickly as per usual. He helps me unbuckle the helmet and places it on the bike handle. Then he just looks at me. Ah, that's why I missed it, his dimples are much more eye catching. I can feel how the friction of the helmet has caused my hair to look, so I pull my hair up into a high ponytail and tie it up for the day instead of leaving it dow like I intended.

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