Home sweet home

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The man watched your every move as if to point out anything you did suspiciously. "Thanks for taking care of me, but i must return as i have work tomorrow-" you mumble as you sit up and push the woven green blanket off from your body but Jeff dominantly paused you in your tracks by leaning over your petite frame and using his arm as support beside your head - you then lay obediently. "You will stay here even if it means i chain you to my bedroom wall. You're on my turf now so you must follow my rules little pigeon." 

You harshly pushed him away, bashful due to his unpredictable actions. This made you feel weary and uncomfortable as to what he may do next but all he did was smirk as he walked away silently. You took this time to assess your surroundings. The room you were in was monstrous! It was at least two football pitches high and it was impossible to assume the length.

When the mansion was designed was impossible to infer. You decide against the interrogation to save you the stress. But the gothic designs reminded you of the Victorian movement which gave you a homely feeling for some weird reason. As you look around, you notice there weren't many windows and that made you feel suspicious as to who or what lived here in the spooky building. You had only been in this room, conscious, for a short while and already you begin to feel homesick. Your boss was going to be really, really mad when you don't show up tomorrow. He will call... He will call you! This could be your chance to get some help and get away from this nightmare!

But wait. Each and every day was a bore and it defined you as a sheep whereas here you're a victim, a lost puppy in the enemy's grounds. What was the difference? Either way you're trapped in some way that prevents you from doing anything interesting. If only you had an over-paying job so you could entertain yourself and live a bit more lively. Life wasn't that easy on you though. Ticking from an ancient wall clock echoed throughout the silent atmosphere which led you astray from your thoughts and awoke you into sense, "Why didn't he kill me?" you wonder as you sat up again and rubbed your sore scalp. Had your hair been pulled at some point? Strands of hair laced round your fingers as you pull away and you asses each curl. The force must have been violent due to the fact that your hair was generally healthy and strong so these follicles wouldn't have fallen out on their own.

When you're sure Jeff had dispersed from your area, you stand and dust yourself before you neatly fold the thin duvet and plan your day. Firstly, tour the area as you're held captive here for the time being; secondly, find flaws in the defences to try and find your own way out but if that fails then you'd have to find tools you could use at your disposal. Using quick, sneaky movements, you were able to reach the kitchen which emitted a smell that could kill nature. Flies were dotted around the space and seemed to have been there for a long time. Somehow all the fresh food in the frozen fridge remained uncontaminated and clean despite all the dirt.

White tiled floors emitted light, slapping noises as you walked around oblivious to the fact that your footwear had disappeared. Stone walls kept the kitchen cool making the freshness of the food last longer. Had this place have been made for whoever lived here? You climbed up the carpeted stairs with struggle due to the steepness of the steps; when you reached the top, there were hallways leading on left and right with identical layouts. It appears to resemble a hotel, wielding many rooms that may have had some dangerous residents as shown by the torn wallpaper, red liquid stained into everything manageable, broken furniture sprawled across the way which made walking difficult to interpret.

Both hallways halted at around the same length therefore making the mansion seem symmetrical. Again, why did Jeff bring you to an unkempt place like this rather than killing you? Suddenly, you hear someone open the main doors which sounds like an earthquake and sends you running into one of the nearest rooms... "Can i help you?" a voice asks huskily from behind.

Jeff The Killer X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now