A New Journey

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you and concentrate on the journey with these two strange creatures. A man with an artistic face and a dog with unrealistic facial features. What do they want with you? You reach the woods finally and it seems so much darker now that you are up close. The only things visible were the leaves that hung above your heads, some bodies of trees that were illuminated by the moon and a path of stones. Why were they taking you to the woods when it is such a dangerous place?

But that doesn't matter right now. "Hey, who are you?" you ask, using a nervous tone due to the fear of being devoured by the beast. But you're ignored. You repeat the same question using an angrier tone which then brought the boy to a halt. He let's out a snigger and remarks, "Are you that naiive?" he turns at a one hundred and eighty degree angle to face your stiff self. The hellhound also does the same. For a moment you three stare at each other without shedding a sound, allowing tension to rise and courage to die. Unsure of what to say, you shrug your shoulders as well as shake your head. This results in the boy facepalming, "I am a killer y/n, i stalk people, I kill people" he emphasises the nouns as he awkwardly thinks of a solution, "aren't you scared?" he demonically asks as he retrieves his knife from a rear pocket.

To his surprise you replied with, "no. You can kill me if you want. This happened for a reason so obviously I'm only meant to live this long." the wind calmly whistles through the trees and the ripples in the lake emitted quiet, calming sounds which could send a baby to sleep. The moon's rays put the boy and you in the spotlight, "I... am the Jeff the killer." he stutters as he tries to remain taunting but finds difficulty in doing so. You think to yourself quietly as you try to remember the bloody boy's existence. Was he famous somewhere?

So this is Jeff, a killer who owns a demon dog named Smile. How unique! This interested you as they might be the answer you was looking for! He's the big bad wolf who scares away the sheep. You suddenly think of a scheme. "Hey Jeff, what if I were to tell you that... I am a killer too?" you bite your lip as anxiety drowns you and throws your lifeless body to shore. He looks at the unnatural husky and grins, "why didn't we see you kill before? I've been watching you for a week now and there is no sign-" he chuckles but as he feels all confident, you,decide to knock him off his high horse with a quick excuse, "would a killer leave a trace when wanting to remain undercover? Also, i don't kill daily. It's just once a month or so " you sounded unsure which he obviously detected. ""How many in total have you killed and how?" he jerked. You had no words. Was he testing you?

To fight against this man's horrible nature, you decide to throw a punch towards him but he held your fist tightly in defence. He brings his face closer to yours, so close that the tips of his untamed fringe tickled your nose, "you haven't killed anyone... Have you?" he smirks. Suddenly, you kick him in the private area and jump back, "I have! I have killed seven people! I used a gun, a screwdriver and a paintbrush!" you then regret saying the first things that came into your mind. A screwdriver and paintbrush, really?!

Jeff looks at you, in pain, and looks at Smile, they both grin to each other. You become extremely uncomfortable as they move closer to you in sync, as if they had rehearsed a dance motif just for you. They both jump at you and knock you unconscious.

All you could see was black.

Jeff The Killer X Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora