
Once I get my test back, I instantly speed walk to the library where I knew I would find Carter. He sits at one of the wooden tables with two of friends, laughing.

"Hey, guess what?!" I excitedly ask him. The attention of the table was no longer on the tan boy telling a story, but was now on me.

"What's up?" Carter asks. I hold up my test with a big eighty-three circled on the front.

"Guess who's getting free pizza?" I ask with a big smile on my face. "Me!" I exclaim and he laughs as he stands up. Immediately I throw my arms around his neck, he wraps his around my waist and picks me up off the ground as we hug. He sets me down slowly before we part, realizing what we just did, as one of the guys at the table lowly whistles.

"Let's go for a walk" He says throwing a glare at his friends as he grabs his backpack and follows me out of the library.

"So, Cove City tonight. You nervous?" I ask.

"Not really. It's just a game" He shrugs. "I'm free tonight, and I believe I owe you as many free pizzas as your heart desires?" He questions.

"I'm free also, and you bet your ass you do" We laugh.

"Guess its a date" He says and I nibble on the inside of my cheek.

"If that's what you're calling it" I tease.

"We never talked about what happened at Dans party?" He questions and I feel my anxiety rise.

"Oh yeah, that Brooke and Peyton drama was so weird. Anyway, gotta get to class, bye!" I smile innocently at him as I speed walk down the hall.

"Class doesn't start for another thirty minutes!" He calls out, making me shrug but continue to walk.


We won the game, but not before Nathan collapsed on the court and had to be rushed away to the hospital. It scared me, I don't know why but I was scared for him. Now, I'm sitting on the benches, waiting for Carter to get done in the locker room.

"Hey, what'd you do to your arm?" I ask Lucas when he comes out. The whole game he had a bandaid on his bicep.

"Got a tattoo" He says casually and I widen my eyes.

"You're kidding?" I question.

"Keith wishes I was. But, no. I got it with Brooke" He explains and I nod my head as I see Carter come in to the gym.

"That's cool. Gotta go, I'll be home later" I smile at Luke before walking over to Mason.

"If you want, we can have a rain check, so you can check on Nathan?" He smiles and shakes his head.

"Nathan's a big boy, he can handle himself" I laugh as we walk out of the gym to his car.

"You did really good tonight" I compliment him and he smiles.

"Thanks" He says as we get into his car.

"Sometimes I feel like no one really notices any other talent on the team except Nathan and Lucas because of our fucked up dad triangle" I laugh and he nods.

"I don't really know if basketballs something I'll continue out of Tree Hill, we'll see" He shrugs. "So, your stomach better be empty, because I don't go light on pizza" I laugh.

"Oh, don't worry. Sometimes I think I'm eating for six" We laugh as he drives to the pizza place he works at. When we sit down we're met with a beautiful brunette who's probably a few years older than us.

"Hey, Carts. What can I get you?" She asks us.

"I want Hawaiian" I pitch in and he nods.

"I guess we'll have Hawaiian and pepperoni" She writes it down quickly before walking away.

"She's pretty" I say.

"Eh, she's like twenty and her boyfriend is literally the scariest dude I've ever met" He says, making me laugh.

"So, tell me what does Mr. basketball star do in his free time?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Well, most of the time I'm here, working. Some of the other time I'm either with my family, friends, or tutoring this girl—" I cut off his sentence.

"Oh, tutoring this girl? Tell me, what's she like?" I tease and he rolls his eyes.

"Well, for one she's very distracting. She's got these huge blue eyes that I can never stop staring at and she's always smiling or laughing, except when we're actually doing geometry— oh! And she's got these nice lips that I just kinda wanna suck on" I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and I smile at him.

"Oh yeah, I think I've seen her before. Although, I heard she's a bitch" I mockingly whisper and he chuckles.

"So, tell me Ms. cheerleader star, what do you do in your free time?" He asks.

"Well, most of the time I'm laying in bed watching Netflix or hanging out with my family. Although, sometimes I sadly have to get tutored" I fake pout and he smiles.

"Tell me all about your tutor, is he cute?" He teases.

"Well, He's a boy and he's always distracting me with jokes and his—" My sentence is cut off by the waitress setting down our pizzas.

"And, here we are. If you need anything, just let me know. Enjoy!" She sends us a smile before walking away and I immediately place a piece in my mouth. The cooked pineapple contradicts the smoked ham and I moan while chewing my food.

"If pizza can make you moan like that, you're in for a treat with me" He jokes and I laugh but flip him off anyway.



hi loves, I only have one more pre-written chapter after this so I'm gonna try and write because I wanna publish 2 or 3 chapters next week because I will be going on vacation with little to no WiFi in 2 weeks :((


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