Hitomi Narukami's Chaotic Summer Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Hi, I'm looking for a Love-Line umbrella...? I heard that you had them" I explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry! We're sold out... Those things were pretty much sold out the day I put them on the shelf. Word spreads like wildfire up here with the kids!" the cashier chuckled. I tilted my head to the side, sighing in disappointment.

"You too, huh? Isn't there anything I can do...?" I asked. If I were to return to the Dojima residence tonight knowing that I didn't even try to get a new umbrella, I wouldn't be able to even look at Mimi's in the eyes... The cashier hummed for a moment, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hm... Well, I can probably get an early shipment for you! Although, it'll take a while and will come with a heavy price" the cashier warned in a whimsical tone. My head jerked back to its original position, leaning forward in eagerness.

"I-I'll take it! How much is it?" I asked, slightly nervous. The cashier giggled nervously as she pulled out a calculator and pulled up a few things on her computer. The sound of buttons being pushed filled the room, my pounding heartbeat silently accompanying it's melody.

"Well... For an early ship on such a popular item, it'll be about 64,000 yen" the cashier hummed, showing me the numbers on the calculators.

"Eh...?!" I couldn't help but exclaim. The money I had on me at the moment was nowhere near that large number. Heck, I even wasted 4,000 yen for gas on the ride over here. Anxiety filling me, I pursed my lips together as sweat began to drip from my jaw. There was no way that I could pay for 70,00 right now... Maybe, if I'm extremely lucky, I'll have the option to pay for the total price once the package arrives. I can't give up here... I have to get that umbrella for her...!

Gulping, I nervously exclaimed, "I-I'll take it...!"

"Great! Will you pay now or later when the package arrives?" the cashier asked, smiling brightly.

"L-Later, please..." I replied, shortly letting out a sigh of relief as sweat continued to roll down my face. Do most of her customers bring that much money for clothes...?

"Okay! It'll arrive on August 23rd, Tuesday. I'll only keep your order for about a week, but then after that, I'll be selling the umbrella to others" the cashier explained with a calming smile.

"I understand!" I replied, bowing shortly. The cashier giggled and waved goodbye as I turned around and left. Once the humid summer heat hit me once again after closing the door behind me, I let out a long sigh. I was able to get the umbrella, somehow, but how on earth am I going to save up 64,000 yen in 19 days? Running my hand through my hair, I let out another sigh as my tired feet made it's way to the parking lot where my scooter sat. There is only one thing for me to do in this situation...

"...I need a job" I muttered to myself in defeat.


Driving on my way to the Dojima residence, I decide to take a new way back to Inaba in an attempt to avoid the traffic. Much to my surprise, I soon realized that the path I had taken was on the same path to Nise's neighborhood. I slowed down the closer I reached Nise's home, memories of the birthday party shortly flashing in and out of my mind.

Approaching the side of his house, I noticed a blue and white scooter sitting beside his parent's car. I couldn't help but blink in surprise as I continued forward, not wanting to be seen, wondering when he got the thing. If that really is his scooter and not a friend's, then I guess that means he's been studying and finally got his license. I recall him talking about that for a while during his birthday dinner... But I wasn't really paying attention. Now that I think about it... Didn't Yukiko also say something about passing something?

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