12: I Sing to a Dead Girl

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Gabbie POV

   Luke, AKA cringy tinder fuck boy, sat down with his child in his lap. "I still can't believe that you have a son," I said. His little son stared into my eyes. What if Shane and I had a child? Nevermind.
   We could hear Beth singing "Out Loud" while trying not to cry. "Who's that?" Luke asked. "Oh, that's my daughter, Beth. I adopted her last spring," I answered. "Is she ok?" he asked, concerned. "No, her friend jumped off a bridge. I'll go check on her," I answered. He stared at me like I had just said something very unrealistic, and it was, but it was still true.
   I went to Beth's room, and saw her crying in the corner, shaking, and she had a blanket wrapped around her. "It's not your fault," I reassured her, "I'll bring you ice cream." I went to get her ice cream, and Luke asked, "What are you doing?" I got out the ice cream and a spoon, held it up, and took it to Beth. He understood. I came back in the room and said, "Let's start the video now."

Beth POV

If I could have just one more minute with her, I would say that I forgive her, I wrote down on my paper. This eulogy wasn't going to write itself. Then I had the greatest idea. What if I sang "Out Loud" at the funeral? It would definitely give me some closure. I looked at the empty container of ice cream on my bed, and decided to get up and throw it away.
I walked into the living room, avoiding the camera. I went to the kitchen, threw it away, and started to exit. "As always I love you guys very much, thanks for being a part of my family, and I'll see you next time," I heard Mom say. I went over to her and said, "I have the greatest idea ever!" I squealed, "what if I sing 'Out Loud' at the funeral?" "I guess my music is that depressing," Mom said, "But that's actually a really good idea!"
"Oh, hi!" I said to cringy tinder fuck boy, "what's your name again?" "Luke," he responded as I looked down at the little child in his lap. "Oh my gosh, who's the cutest little thing?" I said in my voice that I usually reserve for my dog. There was a knock at the door, and I opened it to reveal Trevor. I ran into his arms, and he held me as my tears for Jaz fell down my face.

The Next Big Adventure (Sequel to Adopted By Gabbie Hanna)Where stories live. Discover now