Chapter 23

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                        [Aida POV]

As I struggled to get out of his grip and get to Ezra his grip on me only got tighter around my waist. It felt as if he was crushing my cervix, but even that pain didn't stop me. I had to see her one last time before he takes me away.

"Just let me see her one last time, please I am begging you" I hate begging but like TLC I ain't too proud to beg. You're in a life or death situation and your making song analogies. Get it together Aida. He stared at me as if he knew I wasn't going to try and run away. He let me go and said "quickly darling". He was calm I could tell by his demeanor. I shook it off because it kind of creeps me out.

I walked over to Ezra. She was lying on the floor eyes closed. I knew she was unconscious because she was basically in a poll of her own blood from that single stab wound to the thigh. I took my shirt off and took scissors off the nearby desk and cut her pants leg up to her thigh before I pulled the knife out. Once I finished I pulled the knife out slowly, I felt her skin tighten as I pulled out the knife. "What are you doing?" One of Mavericks goons spat. "Shut the fuck and get my safety kit out of that drawer bitch" I spat with so much venom. He quickly got quiet and just went to get it. "You better answer me, girl. What are you doing?" Maverick asked.  "I'm stitching up my girlfriend nigga," I said calmly through tears. "Do it quickly then" he pushed and I got the meanest attitude. I already had one but him rushing me made it worst.

Once they came with my safety kit. I opened it and I smiled at the gun I kept hid and I quietly put the silencer on it and shot his two goons in the head and shot him in his kneecap and with the godly strength I picked up Ezra and ran out if there quickly shutting the Elevator before maverick could get to us. I pressed the lower level button and as quickly as I got off the elevator to get to the exit, I hopped in my car even quicker. I sat Ezra in the passenger seat and rushed her to the hospital. That knife hit an artery in her leg and it won't stop oozing blood. I was doing 100 in a 60-mile zone. I got to the hospital within a 5-minute time frame and picked her up and ran. "She needs help!!!"I screamed and doctors immediately came to my side and picked her up and took her to a room. I went in with her and they tried to stop me and I said " that's my wife move, I can be here" I lied because they wouldn't let me in otherwise I was family or spouse and I was not about to sit in that cold ass hospital area having an anxiety attack. I called my private doctor to the hospital because they were not going to operate on my girlfriend. Luckily she was already here.

"I won't be needing any kind of assistance from you all. Please exit through that door, I'll be operating on Mrs.Michaelson. shoo," she basically swatted all the doctors away like a bug or a dog. She scooted them all out and she washed her hands put on some gloves and got busy. "Okay, Aida what happened to my niece?" Dr.Miller asked while cleaning her wound before she stitched it up.

"She got stabbed, but it is not my fault, I promise you" I sighed. She let a deep breath "Excuse my language, but what the fuck? Was she on your watch right? So it is your fault. No, I ain't gonna blame ya, because I'm not angry but just make sure my sister never finds out about this. She will flip her shit" Dr.Miller said sternly.

"Ladi, Mrs.Miller won't find out unless you tell her" I winked playfully and she zipped her lips and threw away the imaginary key. She was now finished with the stitches. "She's under heavy sedatives right now so when she wakes up, take her home and I will fax you the information on how to clean her wounds and get a prescription for the pain. Next time my niece is in here like this, I kid you not, I will stick a fork in you" she flashed a weary smile and shut the door on her way out.

                      [Ezra POV]

"Baby, where are we?" I rubbed my eyes looking around the white room.She smiled at me and kissed my cheek "we're in your head my love, you should be one by now" she laughed and then, her faced morphed into someone else. A face I never thought I'd see again. A face I never wanted to see again. "Did you miss me, Ezra?" Bridget asked and I groaned and felt my temperature rise as I got angry "why are you in my head. I thought I buried your ass" She smiled and caressed my cheek and I jerked away from her touch. "The person closest to you is the reason why you were attacked" Bridget said . Im confused, Rena had nothing to do with it, her dad wanted her found and I wasn't telling him the fuck?

"What do you mean? " I was confused. "I have to go now, but remember this the enemy of my enemy is my friend.. Wake up Ezra" her voice was smooth. I opened my eyes to Aida shaking me awake saying wake up, wake up. Mh first words where "Take me to Bridget" and Aida's smile turned into a deep frown. "Why?" And I snatched the IV out of my arm. "Take me to Bridget babe. I'll explain, once I figure out what my dream meant." I sighed.
She tried to kiss me and I turned my head "get me out this joint Aida forreal. You know I hate hospitals. Lets get out of here please" I shook my head and she picked me up amd through me over her shoulder like shrek. "Okay let's go then" . "okay bitch I'm not fionna up in this bitch" I laughed and she replied with "wasn't saying that last night" and My jaw dropped and I said "first of all that was a whole 24 hours ago" and she came back with a "second of all, the neighbors know my full name". I just laughed because I had nothing to say.

               [Maverick POV]

"Bridget I need you" I raised my voice and she came in. "Is it about Rosalina?"she asked walking over to sit on my lap. She placed her chin on my head played with the objects on my desl waiting for my answer. "No. It's about a girl. You know her. Her name is Ezra Miller." I said and she nodded in agreement "what about her Rick?" She said calling me my nickname she gave to me years ago. "I want you to talk to her. I came on a little strong about Rosalina. She needs to know that I'm on her side. Im a bad guy. But I'm not the bad guy in this situation" I explained calm. She has a habit of making calm. I rubbed my thumb over the skin of her knee. "She hates me but I'll see what I can do. And your getting soft Rick. Toughen up when I enter a room." She stood up and strutted to the door and blew a kiss my way. And slam the door on her way out. "BITCH WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT CLOTHES ON IN THE SUPPLY ROOM" I heard her yell and along woth a loud smack and a loud bang. That's my girl. I walked to the door and her face was covered in blood aling with her arms. "What happened" I laughed and she shrugged "She was getting on my nerves." She smiled and gave me my watch. "Watch peoples hands when they are on you Maverick. Didn't even notice I took your watch" she smirked and turned to face the other girls. "Clean this bitch up, and Im already aggravated so don't cross me today ladies" she gave each of them a kiss. And she faced me and pat my cheek. "I must go, Call me if you need me Rick, I gotta handle that buisness " and I said "so no kiss for me" and she winked and strutted away. I turned to face the girls. "What did she say? Clean this bitch up" I raised my voice putting bass in it.

Hopefully Ezra listens to Bridget.


Bridget? Opinions?

Maverick? Good guy or bad guy?

Dr.Miller? Opinion?

Ezra and Aida? Thoughts?


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