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It had been exactly a week after Jimin and Jin drove all the way to Daegu to persuade Taehyung to come back to Seoul, to let love-struck, heartbroken Jungkook have his closure and to continue Police University.

Jimin had started to give up in waiting for his ex-classmate to come back but right when Yoongi dropped him off at his former place (seeing as now he had fully moved into Yoongi's suite) to visit his younger brother, Jimin found himself face to face with the boy, standing nervously at the porch, contemplating on whether he should ring the bell or not.

"You want me to ring it for you?" Jimin asked casually, a little annoyed Taehyung was being cowardly just to break Jungkook's heart all over again.


The tall boy was quiet as he stared at the door and suddenly Jimin felt sorry. Of course they were never close friends, but this boy actually hured a Reaper to kill his own father who ordered Jimin to be killed.

Technically, Jimin owed his life to Taehyung.

"You okay?" This time, Jimin's voice was gentle.

"Hey, can we talk first?" Taehyung turned around from the door to look at Jimin again and all Jimin could see was a big young boy, trying his best to keep his composure while rubbing his palms over his jeans, eyes darting everywhere out of nervousness.

"Sure." Biting the inside of his cheek, Jimin strategized a plan. "Come on."

Once they were in a small café not too far from the house, sitting at an empty corner, Jimin thanked the waiter for their order and looked at Taehyung again, this time he seemed calmer.

"What's up?"

"I love Jungkook."


"I love him. I think I've loved him ever since I saw him at the university."

Jimin frowned a little. This didn't make sense to him.

If Taehyung loved his brother, why would he say and do what he said and did?

The running away, the 'I still love Hoseok', every over the top things Taehyung did to show Jungkook how uninterested he was towards the younger boy. Why?

"I don't get it." Jimin frankly responded.

"The first time I actually spoke to Jungkook, I could see how much he actually wanted to be a police. I had never had that feeling before so I realized how it would be like to want to help and save people, how big your impact can be on a person."

True, Jungkook had always wanted to be a policeman and he worked so hard for it. This was one of the reasons why Jimin sometimes felt inferior towards his younger brother.

"When he confessed," Taehyung continued, "I was this close to say yes, but I couldn't."


"Do you really think the son of an acting Head of the Union, who was in the same university just because it would be convenient for the organization, deserves to be with your brother?"

Looking down from Taehyung's familiar eyes, Jimin thought back to what they spoke of at the gym bleachers.


"Hmm?" Jimin turned to the boy next to him, pausing his mind from his decision.

"Why do you want to be a policeman?"

Jimin smiled a little. "I didn't want to burden my brother for the fees."

"That's nice of you. Me, I've always known I'm supposed to be a cop."

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