Save Me

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Adrenaline takes over sometimes. It makes you do things you could never do if you had the chance to think. It makes you make decisions in a split-second. It can save lives.

Jungkook prayed that would be its purpose this time. Because when he saw his leader fall over the edge of the cliff, he lunged forward and grabbed him by the hand without a second thought.

He toppled over the edge with him, managing to catch the ledge with his other hand, precariously holding the both of them from falling into the dark abyss below. The sudden force on his arm as he stopped the older man's fall made him cry out in pain and clench his eyes closed. For only a second. Because there was something more important than the pain that he had to focus on.

He looked down to find Namjoon staring up at him, his eyes wide and filled with terror. But Jungkook very quickly realized that the other wasn't afraid for himself. No, he was gazing at him with that look, and Jungkook knew Namjoon was only worried about him. He had learned to hate that look, because it always seemed to mean that Namjoon was about to do something stupid in order to protect him. He may have been a genius, but he was always all too willing to do stupid things for the sake of his team. And Jungkook didn't want to give him the opportunity to try.

He grunted in effort as he began to try to pull the other man up to the ledge, but he gave up after a moment with a huff. He was too heavy, and the ledge was too far. Jungkook was just as strong as he was stubborn, but even he could already see that it wasn't possible. He directed his gaze up towards the ledge, trying to formulate a plan and avoiding looking at Namjoon's face. Then, he had a thought, and glanced back down.

"Hyung, climb up," He said, lifting him by the arm slightly in an urging gesture. He felt his stomach start to sour when Namjoon shook his head.

"You won't be able to hold on if I shift my weight too much," Namjoon replied evenly. He may have been right, but Jungkook could not focus on what was reasonable right now. He only knew he had to get his leader to safety. And he had to distract him before he said what he was about to say...

"Here, I'll lift you so you can grab my waist and-"

"Jungkook-ah," Namjoon interrupted, and Jungkook was stunned into silence for one second too long. "Drop me."

And that was it. That was what he was afraid he would say. That was what he had been absolutely terrified that he would say.

"No," Jungkook growled in response.

"Please..." Namjoon pleaded, and Jungkook made the mistake of looking down and catching his hyung's desperate eyes. Because, beyond all reason, that expression always made him want to listen.

"No! We're both getting out of this, do you hear me?"

"Jungkook, you have to let go so you can climb up!" As if to prove him right, Jungkook's hand on the ledge slipped slightly, shifting the two boys and making them both gasp. After a moment of exhaling shakily, Jungkook dared to attempt to adjust his hand and strengthen his grip again. He held his breath and his heart was pounding the whole time, but he was successful.

"Okay, climb now!" Jungkook urged again. He felt more than a little terrified when Namjoon didn't respond, and he willed himself to look down once more. Namjoon wasn't looking at him now, head down. Jungkook's breath caught in his throat when he felt Namjoon's fingers start to wiggle in his grasp. He tightened his grip as much as he could.

"Don't!" Jungkook yelled, panicked now. But the fingers continued to move. Namjoon brought his other hand up and started trying to further destabilize Jungkook's grip. Jungkook's stomach contracted painfully at the sight of this, and his voice broke when he cried out again. "Don't do this, hyung!"

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