Chapter IV

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The moon was rising behind the trees when Analise spied Stefan stepping into the garden. At last! So excited was she that she wanted to laugh, to shout out his name, but she must never do that, for it might alert Papa. She clamped her hands over her mouth until she was calm, then grabbing a candle branch, rushed out to her balcony.

The light fell softly on Stefan's handsome, upturned face.

"Analise! I've returned."

"My love!"

"I have a gift for you."

"Oh Stefan!"

He was climbing up the vines. The jasmine flowers shivered and shook. Longing to gather her beloved close in her arms, Analise reached down to help him climb faster. Twigs snapped. He lost his footing and almost fell, emitting a soft, startled cry.

"You must be silent, my love. Papa has been here all day and may still be lurking outside my door."

Hoisting himself up, Stefan climbed over the balustrade, and stood before Analise. Laughing, he grabbed her wrists and drew her to him. Sinking into him, she kissed him hungrily. Their bodies melted together like one being. Knowing how sensitive she was, he began covering her neck with kisses.

She broke away. "I've been very upset with you," she said, drawing him into her room.


"For being gone so long. I threw a proper tantrum today. I broke things. Nana ran for Papa and dragged him into my room. I explained to him that I was tired of being kept prisoner and would no longer stand for it."

"You are so childish, Analise. Where is your faith?"

Both of them turned to look at the large Crucifix hanging over Analise's bed, the one on the door and another on the wall of her sitting room.

"Stefan," she said, tugging on his collar. "I know I haven't grown up, but how can I?" She gazed around at the Crosses again. "I wonder sometimes, what in the world Papa is protecting me from. Are other girls as heavily guarded as I am?"

"I wouldn't know, Analise. My sisters are not, but neither are they free. Your Papa is too vigilant, but he will have to give way, and soon. He must want grandsons. All men do."

"Sons. Always sons."

Analise smiled and swayed over to the sofa near the fire. Stefan followed warily. He did not sit down, but grasped Analise's arm and pulled her to him.

"Let us go behind the draperies in the window bay. I have something for you."


At first Analise was afraid to look into the mirror. It was frightening enough with its great, undulating dragon, with its glinting ruby eyes. What if, looking into the glass, she did not like what she saw, shattering the only thing that truly belonged to her: her image. Stefan had held it to his own face to show her how clear his reflection was. She thought it a marvel of accuracy, though was aware of a peculiar backward quality, of the angles of his face being reversed. This effect disturbed her slightly. But the mirror was a wondrous thing. She was flattered that Stefan would bestow so costly a gift upon her, especially under Papa's unassailable roof.

"Won't you look in?"

"I'm afraid."

"Of what? Of seeing at last how beautiful you are?"

"Perhaps I'm not beautiful. Perhaps I look best in the misty surface of the metal."

"Believe me. You have nothing to fear."

The Vampire's Mirror: Gothic Mysteries of Dracule Book IWhere stories live. Discover now