No one around me took their shot, but I did.

"Iris!" Chase exclaimed.

"It was one time and it was gross, I think it was dodgy," I admitted, laughing.

"Right okay my turn! Never have I ever had sex," Sage said, not looking the slightest bit awkward. Deon, Elliot and I all took a shot.

"It was with my ex-girlfriend of two years," Elliot said, blushing slightly.

"Yeah I just got wasted and I kind of regret it," Deon shrugged.

Everyone turned to face me, curious as to what happened. "It was with my ex," I said, shrugging it off like Deon had.

"Okay, never have I ever been interested in someone older than me," Chase said, raising his eyebrows at me.

Elliot, Deon, Matt, Sage and I all took a shot.

"Camilla!" Elliot, Deon and Matt all said at once and started laughing.

"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," Jasper quickly said, looking sideways at me. I mouthed him a thank you, relieved he had changed the subject away from Eric.

Sage, Chase, Elliot and I had to take a shot for that one.

"You know, I would really love to see you two kiss," Matt admitted, looking at me and Sage. I pecked Sage on the cheek and giggled.

"There you go!" I laughed.

"You both suck," He said, pouting.


Somehow I ended up on Elliot's shoulders, Sage was on Chase's, Jasper was on Deon's and we were running down a corridor, seeing who was the fastest. Matt was stood at the end of the corridor, timing us, I was gripping onto Elliot's head and Sage was screaming.

"Iris I can't see where I'm going! Move your hands!" Elliot yelled.

"Sorry!" I shouted back at him as I moved my hands and wrapped my arms around his neck instead. I looked round and saw Jasper hanging upside down from Deon's shoulders, screaming.

"What the hell is going on?" Someone shouted at the end of the corridor.

"That's Eric!" Matt yelled from the other end of the corridor. I jumped off of Elliot's shoulders and Jasper fell off of Deon's.

"See you troopers tomorrow!" Elliot called out, running in the opposite direction of us.

I ran towards Jasper and Chase and I grabbed their arms and started running as fast as we could with Sage next to us back to our dormitory, not daring to look back until we were all in bed. We all lay in bed, looked at each other, and started laughing.


I woke up and to my surprise I didn't have a headache. I walked over to the bathroom and attempted to wash the make-up off of my face. No one else seemed to be awake yet, which surprised me as I can never seem to wake up on time. I decided to use this to my advantage and have a quick shower, washing the shot that had been poured on my head, out of my hair. I rubbed my face some more in an attempt to get rid of the last bit of make-up and stepped out, wrapping a towel around me.

No one else was awake yet, so I decided to wake Sage up so she would have time to clean herself up.

"Oh my God, my head is killing me," She complained as she sat up.

"I'm almost ready, I can go and get us all some pain killers from the infirmary if you want?" I suggested, zipping my coat up.

"I love you," She said, walking into the bathroom.

I left the dormitory and walked into the Pit, figuring the hospital would be somewhere around here. The Pit was almost empty apart from a few people sat over steaming mugs of coffee to wake them up. I walked up the stairs, past the shop and continued walking around until I found what appeared to be the infirmary and walked in.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A cheery looking girl with bright red hair and a star tattooed next to her eye asked.

"Yeah, um, could I just get a whole ton of pain killers?" I asked, not sure how to word it.

"Night out drinking?" She asked and I nodded.

"How many of you need them?"

"There were seven of us," I replied.

"Okay you should take one at breakfast and one at lunch, then it should be gone." She told me, handing a packet over to me.

"You're a life saver, thank you!"

"No problem, you ever need anything else, I'm here," She said, smiling.

I thanked her again and walked out of the infirmary and down into the Pit where I saw my group of friends looking a bit worse for wear.

"Bow down to your Queen," I said as I sat down, giving everyone a pain killer. I put the packet in the pocket of my jacket and zipped it up.

"Iris, I love you so much," Jasper mumbled, taking the pill.

"You can all have another one at lunch," I informed them, smiling.

"Hang on a minute, how are you not in pain?" Matt asked, being the least hung over.

"Honestly? I have no clue," I admitted, laughing.

I took the spare muffin they had got for me and started chewing on it. Just as I finished it, we all saw Eric enter the Pit and looked around at each other. We all started laughing until he looked over at us.

"Do you think he knows it was us last night?" Sage queried.

"You mean this morning," Deon corrected.

"Wait, when did we get back to our dormitories?" I asked.

"Around 3 in the morning."

"Oh my god, that explains why my headache is so bad, I don't usually get this affected by alcohol," Chase mumbled, holding his head in his hand.

"Iris, weren't you up at like 6 this morning?" Sage asked me, knowing I was up first as I had woken her up.

"Yeah, I couldn't really sleep," I replied, shrugging.

"What the hell? You only had three hours sleep, how are you still standing?" Jasper cried, the rest of us laughing at his reaction.

"What can I say? I'm simply amazing," I said, laughing slightly.

"But back to Sage's question, if he didn't know beforehand, he definitely knows now," Matt said, looking down at his plate, playing with his food.

Sage looked at him with wide eyes, "How do you know?"

"Well, we don't exactly look like we got much sleep, do we? And was anyone else who lives around the same corridors as us out last night?"

We all shook our heads.

"Exactly, we were the only ones stupid enough to go out on a week day," Matt said, smiling.

Just as I grabbed an apple, Eric got up to leave and Four was nowhere to be seen.

"I guess it's time for us to go," I sighed, looking around at everyone.

"Yeah, let's just get the torture of today over with," Chase agreed, getting up.

Everyone else got up too, grabbing whatever food they hadn't eaten to bring on the way.

Deon, Matt and Elliot turned down a different corridor and Sage, Chase, Jasper and I walked into the training room to find everyone was already in there. I looked up at the clock and realised we were only a minute late.

"So, we're fighting each other today which is going to be great for those of us who were out drinking last night," Eric informed us all, smirking.

Sage and I exchanged looks. I guess he knew we were the ones who woke him up last night.

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