Spark whined, pressing her nose against Ollie's leg - trying to help.  Ollie's shaky hand, reached out to pet her and Spark's tail slowly started wagging in happiness.

Logan and Patton were just staring - both of their mouths hung ajar in shock and confusion, not understanding what was happening.  Ollie seemed calmer now, breathing becoming steadier, falling back to normal.

I tapped his shoulder, three times for good measure.  "I'll be back," I said, getting to my feet.  "Can you wait? I'll be quick," I said.

Ollie glanced at Logan and Patton, hesitantly, before nodding.

I walked over to Logan and Patton and all but dragged them behind me and into the hallway.  I could still see Ollie from where I was standing, playing with Sparks who was jumping around him licking his face and causing Ollie to giggle.

"Ollie, Oliver" I said, sighing as we now out of Ollie's hearing range.  "He's... if you haven't figured it out, he's... OCD," I said, digging my hands into my pockets, trying to stop them from shaking.

"That makes perfect sense," Logan nodded.  "'OCD is the fear network of the brain sending a signal that something is wrong and needs to be done about it IMMEDIATELY. OCD only reports on feared consequences that are important to a person.'" Logan slowly nodded, thinking out loud and adjusting his glasses.  "It would make sense if the two of you are close, as OCD is - by definition - an anxiety disorder."

I squirmed at that.

"And one of his obsessions are with the number three," Logan said.

I nodded.  "He counts, constantly.  Every word in a sentence.  And that total number of words have to land on a number divisible by three."

Logan nodded, processing this information.  "So that why you asked us to stay quiet.  What... almost happened in there?" Logan questioned.

I hesitated.  "Nothing good," I said.  I had experienced it once, and it was easily one of my worst moments... I never wanted him to go through that again -

"But did you hear what he was saying?" Patton said, eyes bright and he clapped his hand, jumping a little, unable to contain his excitement.  "He said that he had something important to tell you - about Roman!" Patton said joyfully, giggling.  "Is there a chance that Roman could actually be alive? Did Roman send him?!!"

I flinched at that, eyes dropping to the floor.  I hate this, I absolutely hate this, I hate myself for putting the others through all this.  "I'm sorry, Dad.  I... I highly doubt that," I managed, as flashes of the unspeakable moments replayed over and over in my head.

Patton immediately lost his smile, eyes falling.

"I - I'm sorry, Pat.  I just don't want you to get your hopes up," I whispered.

"I - I get it, kiddo," Patton said with a watery smile.

Together we went back to the Commons.  Ollie smiled brightly at me, but his eyes still flickered nervously at Patton and Logan.

"Hi there, kiddo," Patton said, smiling.  "My name's Patton.  Want a cookie?" he asked.

Ollie tentatively took a step closer, but he looked curious.  "Um... yes please," Ollie said shyly, rushing instantly back to me, grabbed at my hoodie - cheeks pink.

"This is Logan," I said, gesturing to Logan.  "And guess what? He likes math," I said.

Ollie peeked curiously at Logan.  "You like math?"

Logan couldn't help smiling.  "Yes, I do."

"Even calculus?" Ollie couldn't help asking.

Logan blinked in surprise.  "You know Calculus?"

"I love Calculus," Ollie admitted sheepishly, cheeks turning pink.

It's true - Ollie is wicked with math.  I've seen him do Calculus problems with nothing more than his own mind.  It makes sense, considering that it's constantly counting.

"That's awesome, Ollie - oh, is it okay if I call you Ollie?" Logan asked.

"It is okay," Ollie said, taking a step towards Logan.  "I like Ollie.  What bout science?"

Logan grinned at Ollie.  "I love science."

Patton came back with a napkin in hand.  "Here ya go," he said, holding it out to Ollie.

Ollie smiled brightly, grabbed the Oatmeal Raisin cookie.  "They're my favorite!" he said and I noticed Patton raising an eyebrow in my direction.  I merely shrugged, trying not to smirk.

"Oh oh oh!" Ollie said, running over to me, tugging on my hoodie.  "I have to tell you something.  It's really important."

"What is it?"

"It is about the young prince," Ollie said and I winced inwardly at the way he described Roman.  That what my father called him, and I hated it.

"W-What is it?" I repeated, only stuttering a little.

"Well, I can't really TELL you," Ollie admitted.  "You have to come with me!  Come on, Vee!" Ollie said taking my hand.

"Waitwaitwait," I said, pulling back.  "Where are you taking me, kid?  Is it safe?"

Ollie giggled at that.  "We are going to see her!"

"Who is her?" Logan asked, frowning, glancing between Patton and me, seeing if we knew who Ollie was talking about.  Both of us remained just as clueless.

"Well, who else?" Ollie answered cheerfully, giggling.

I gasped at it finally hit me eyes widening.  "Y-You don't mean..." I let my voice trail off in disbelief.  T-There was no way, he could actually mean...

"Yup - Fairy Godmother!!"


No joke, I have been waiting so long for this I can't not WAIT for the next chapter :D
I hope you guys like her X3

(also if y'all could just ignore the grammar mistakes that probably fill this thing, I didn't proofread sorry XD XD)

Oh, and here's the link to the bit Logan said eariler - those facts about OCD? - if you wanna check it out :)

How to Take the Power Back from Intrusive Thought OCD - (

There's No Such Thing As Happy Endings - Book Three of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now