so close

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After we discussed all the detail on how we are storming the place with the tunnels under the place that I used to escape, I was about to leave. Nick wanted me to stay, he even offered me my own room but I wanted to talk to Holly about nick. We got into the car after I grabbed Nicks balls softly as I whisperd"tommorw leave your window unlocked". He didn't know I was planning on discussing are training instead of sex but messing with him was fun. I thought about him and his blue jeans he had on which made his ass look good. He was so hot I kept thinking about the little details but that didn't last long because Holly started talking girl talk.

Nick is so hot and great for a mate!

I heard a growl from Hollys mate as we turned around a corner. A truck full of wolfs in the back of it were staring at us as we passed them. One of them was looking at me with sex drive eyes and a wink is what made me reject leaving without marking Nick.


We soon got back home and I was locked in a room with Oreos and Holly telling me about how Nick was great with the packs kids. She told me how he became the pack leader at 14 and had to grow up really fast. His uncle who led the pack passed away after his father went missing. Nick seemed like this amazing great person but I told Holly about the fact he seemed kind of like a big baby compared to media know I'm a queen and I was TechEd to be tougher than everyone else around me.I'm a warrior now and my training to fight for my right as queen is tomorrow. I miss my mother and father who uses to tell me fighting is something I shouldn't be forced to ever do if father ran his kingdom right. I looked out at the stars and thought about someone stronger than me, someone who can handle my personality. All mark Nick and give up on my dream of someone just as fucked up and strong as I a.m. slept in that alphas boxers.


I slept like a baby but had to wake up to go into town to get some sportswear.Gotta work off all those Oreos and buy more so I can fight those off to. I didn't want Holly to judge what I was wearing or what I liked for clothes. I knew her style was what everyone talked about but I had my own style and those ingles colours that won't get attention like neon yellow. I decided to go to the play less shoes first. They had nothing in my style but I had a budget so I just grabbed some funky air walk runners with daisies on the sides. I then went shopping for sports clothes at value village because I only had so much money cause I have only what Holly gives media was coming out of the store with bright blue curtains' heard a scream from done an ally nearby. So I ran for the scream and came to an empty ally. I could smell blood, lots of item eyes were seething for the source but all I could find was a cloth with a toll on i.e. look at the blood and I felt like it was happening all over again. The reason I don't get close to people is.....

I heard footsteps coming from behind me but it was too late they had me in their arms with a cloth over my mouth. That smells.....


Updating and editing slow sorry


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