"Your Grandfather will be placed in our House of the Kings. You can visit him there whenever you wish." Eros thanks him as the car stops. We exit the same time Sean's body is brought out. He is taken to the burial place for our fallen kings and we enter the house. That somber look on Eros' face goes away. I grab his arm and he looks over at me with hope in his eyes. His mate is here?! Of course they are. Just one more thing in the way of my plan. I have to be optimistic. If it is just a noble woman of no title it will be fine. She will be easily manipulated to keep Eros in line. We enter the house and the coven is there to welcome us. Ammie stands in front of them and her eyes lock on Eros. His eyes are on her as well. No. . .

"This is my daughter Ammie. She is my-"

"Mate." Eros says coming forward. Edmund looks on in shock. Ammie doesn't back up. I think she is just as bewildered as I am. He towers over Ammie and gently takes her in his arms. She begins to tremble. I have never seen her so vulnerable, and I have never seen her this close to a man that was not Edmund. Any suitor that Edmund would bring to her she would seriously injure or kill.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Grand Elders come into the room. Everyone bows to them. Ammie moves away from Eros and he looks angrily at the Grand Elders.

"Grand Elder, this is Emperor Eros. He and Princess Ammie are mates it would seem." The seven look in disgust at the two of them. It is no secret that the Grand Elders all see Werewolves as lesser. They were the ones that enslaved wolves for a while. According to Sean, this happened after the blood line moved to Ireland. According to vampire records, we enslaved the werewolves for more than 5,000 years. The Grand Elders enslaved humans along with the wolves. After the wolves revolted and freed themselves humans were still kept. It is only natural that the Grand Elders are overtly opposed to this union. Another reason why I must dispose of the old bastards.

"Princess Ammie, I would not have imagined you to be coupled with an animal." Eros begins to growl at the blatant disrespect. This is why these rotting meat sacks never met with the wolf monarchy.

"Grand Elder." I interject, "That is not way to speak to a King." The old man looks at me then to Eros. Ammie puts her hand on my shoulder then comes forward.

"For once my younger sister is correct. This man comes into our home and you disrespect him? So much for that vampire hospitality." I will admit one thing Ammie and I always had in common is we hate the Grand Elders. We both know they hold too much power of us as monarchs. The Grand Elders look at one another then back to us. Before they could say something with no doubt offensive King Father steps forward.

"This union, however unexpected should not be cast to the side. Let us retire to the throne room and talk this over and make a decision on the matter." The Grand Elder sighs.

"Very well my king. We will talk this over. Let us away." They leave with the king and I turn to Ammie.

"It looks like our interest might align for once." Ammie pats my shoulder then leans in closer to me, "Yet make no mistake you and I are not friends." I chuckle.

"I would not want it any other way." She looks back at Eros then walks back over to him. He looks astonished at the sight of Ammie. This concerns me however. Of all the women in this house it had to her. What if Haty is not from the child in America, but a spawn of this union. Is that how our child will be a hybrid? I think not. It is unfortunate but Ammie must die. If that means moving Eros out the way as well it will not matter. He has fulfilled his purpose and made a child.

"I will leave you in Jamie's care." Ammie says to Eros, "If this talk goes wrong I must make plans."

"Plans? What would they do to you or us?" Ammie leans up to kiss his cheek.

Origins(GirlxGirl)(Forth Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now