Chapter 51

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Saryia has made her call. We are starting to mobilize our people. Since I took over Elaine's coven I have repurposed them into a military coven. The vampires that were there before only serve to provide money for my troops. . . Saryia's troops. She has changed drastically. Like I have informed Jamie, Saryia has gotten violent. I have never seen such barabariszm and I saw my share in the Hunter Wars. Then again these humans are property. They serve our purpose to feed and when the occasion calls for it to breed. Saryia has instructed some of my men at our mansion to breed with the human girls there. She is trying to make a hybrid child. There is one occasion where a rouge werewolf girl was brought in. She was treated like royalty from what I heard. She was asked if she wanted intercourse and she would refuse a lot, but one of my soldiers caught her eye. The two did conceive a child, but the child did not live. That was the experiment that made me question Saryia's mental health. A wolf-vampire hybrid is impossible. It is also not allowed by the Grand Elders. They would kill the child and the parents. The Grand Elders feel the same about human-vampire hybrids. There has only been a few in our history, and they were all executed. I do not know what exactly Saryia is thinking, but if she wants to try and have a child that is not a full vampire she will have to hurry. Leonidas, Boudicca, and I know that she is moving to kill the Grand Elders. Now with this union between the Werewolf King and Princess Ammie she will have to hurry.

The rule that was given to Ammie was she had to find a husband, and fate would have it this way. She has found him and their union will unite Werewolf and Vampire crowns. Ammie will be queen and all Saryia's careful planning will be for nothing. Unless Saryia wants to start a civil war which I know she does not. She has already bought land in America for another mansion. She wants to leave Europe and return to her birth land. I do not blame her. This place is unforgiving. The politics here are just as cutthroat as the vampires. There is no fealty, no trust, no peace. There is only fear and respect and Saryia commands both. She has more than Ammie and more than the King. I have heard rumors through court and lower places that the people will call for Saryia to be named queen soon. Revolts and much more might happen if that happens. I do believe it will happen soon.

Saryia has done more for our people than Ammie and Edmund. She has advanced us in knowledge, military, and has kept us safe. It is only natural that the people want her to lead us, but Ammie and the Grand Elders stand in the way of that. She is ready and I will help my sister do what she needs. She and Jamie saved me and that is more than enough for me to follow them. Besides it is the least I could do when I failed them. I failed to protect them from Elaine, but I feel that I have done well protecting them from Ammie. Ammie is vicious in her own right, but nowhere as smart as Saryia and Jamie. She has no long term goals that help our people. She is solely concerned with being queen so Saryia is not. She is simple minded, then again what do you expect from someone who hails from barbarians. A pureblood princess from the Fertile Crescent that knows nothing but backstabbing and deceit. In truth her only purpose was to become the queen. She has been taught nothing but politics and how to rise to power by taking it for herself by any means. She likes to call herself great and better than other politicians, but she is more of the same. Saryia is different from her. Saryia has covertly gotten blood on her hands, but only because it was just. Elaine's death was just because she broke the law. She took Saryia into her home and took advantage of her for years. Ammie will also get her just comings for the attempt she made on the king's life. That is why Saryia is making her suffer, but now that suffering will come to an end.

"Lord Exous." I heard King Leonidas call. I turn to find Boudicca in tow.

"Just the people I needed to see. We have to coordinate our forces for the sake of the kingdom." They both nod as we walk further down the hall.

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