Chapter 18

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"Here ya go lads." I say as I pass the mugs to the men. They pay me and continue their talking. Been here for about a year. Our business is well. Most of the lads that come by are sailors of many kinds. The Royal Navy boys keep to themselves in one corner, and the boys I'm used to sailing with are here with me at the bar. No matter how divided it be there is still much peace here in the tavern. Only a few times I had to kick some people out. I believe most of these boys come in to take a gander at Jamie and I. Some like these lads over here try to be a bit too friendly with us. Jamie serves and cooks while I handle the drinks. Some boys come in with slight illness and Jamie will give them care. She were always a excellent doctor. My dear Jamie truly is beautiful, and sometime it get her in trouble.

These here boys hath been drinking all night long. They are starting to annoy other costumers. Just as I were cleaning some mugs one of the drunken fools grabs Jamie.

"Come here girl. Let's have a gander under that dress." Jamie pulls away from him with ease and I come over and get between him and Jamie.

"Sorry lads. I will have to ask you to leave the tavern now. You will not be insulting my sister so." He laughs then makes an attempt to grab me. I hit him in the head with a mug then quickly pull out my two guns that I carry on me. I point them both at him then prepare them to fire.

"Leave my tavern." I say again. The man looks infuriated and he begins to reach for his own gun.

"I believe you heard the lass." One of my regulars says. His friends follow suit. They all pull out their guns.

"Now look here lads. It be 1 gun against 8. Leave the tavern alive or leave with the undertaker." The drunken fools friends pull out their guns. The Royal Navy fools do nothing. Then one of the younger ones looks around then stands up. He is not with the navy. Looks more of infantry. He comes over and the drunken ones lower their weapons and I lower mine. The first man tries to shoot but the solider grabs his gun and places it under the dunk man's chin.

"You heard her gentlemen. Leave the tavern, and do not forget to pay what you owe." His electric blue eyes burn into theirs. He lets go of the man. They throw the money on the table and leave. He turn back to us and removes his hat. His black hair is well combed.

"Thank you sir. Next round is on us." He smiles and bows his head.

"Pleasure be all mine. Exous Kipling at your service." Interesting, quite the charmer. I bow my head back. Jamie does the same then goes about the rest of her work. This young man follows me back to the bar. He is young and most likely fancies Jamie or myself. Misfortune to him for he is looking in the wrong tavern for love.

"Miss Hawthorne, I'll pay for this fine young lad's drink." I nod at my friend as he passes me the money. I fill a mug of ale then hand it to him.

"What brings you to the tavern tonight Mr. Kipling?" He drinks his ale then looks back at me.

"Many a reason. I heard that two young women ran the most successful tavern on this side of town and I had to see for myself." I chuckle and refill his mug.

"Well are you impressed?" He nods then looks at me with a more serious look. He leans into me.

"I also heard that you were like me and my family. You and thy sister." I title my head. What exactly does he know about us. He looks at the far table in the back where the hunters reside. They do not frequent as often as they first did. They mostly think they hath gotten rid of the vampires on this block. Many of our coven friends on the street have been murdered. The only ones that remain are the Smiths and us. When he turns back to me I see his eyes hath gotten lighter.

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