Clinging On

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It was dark that's all Tails could see. Darkness. He looked around trying to grab a hold of something but there was nothing to hold on to. "He heard someone yell something." "Clear!" Tails body shakes at the sudden word. "Raise the volts!" He heard them yell. "Tails c'mon buddy. Stay with us....." He heard another person say. "Clear!" His body moved again. He saw some kind of light in the distance he began working towards it. He thought he could see Sonic. He began running. "One last time!" He heard someone say. Tails was almost there. So close. "Clear!" Tails shot up as hundreds of volts coursed through his body. The monitor began to beep again. His vision was blurry again. He was being blinded by some sort of light. "Where am I?" He thought to himself. He closed his eyes again. He could see darkness again. "Tails we are not giving up on you!" Sonic yelled. "Stand back!" He heard someone shout. "Raise the volts!" "But sir if we do he could be shocked and killed." "You heard me!" Some kind of staticy sound could be heard. "Clear!" Tails woke up eyes open this time. The monitor was beating faster then it should. Tails looked around frightened. "Someone with a long mustache came over and told him to lay down." Tails layed back down full of pain. He could hear the people at the end of the bed talking. "You know Egghead I really ought to kill you for what you did to Tails but".....his voice trailed off...."you saved his life..... how about we call it a truce." Sonic said opening his hand in agreement. "Truce." Said Eggman taking the hand business style. "I've noticed I'm better at saving lives then taking them anyway." He said with a change of heart. "You know Egghead....your not so bad." Sonic said nodding. Eggman looked back at Tails. "He will be in here for a couple days. My robots will take care of him. He needs some rest to regain his are welcome to stay here if you like." Eggman said seeing the worry in the hedgehogs eyes. "I've seen that look before he said.... You love him don't you?" Sonic was appalled that his expressions could be seen so easily. "Yah, between us Egghead......yah." Eggman nodded. "I'll give you two some alone time." Eggman said smiling. He was just about to leave when Sonic said something. "Thank you....Doctor Egghead." Sonic said grinning. "Eggman smirked and looked back. "And I'll see you around you blue pinnaple." Eggman shut the door and walked down the hall. Sonic took Tails's hand and trailed his finger along it. Tails knew Sonic was there but didn't have the strength to speak. He was able to get out a little word. "Love." Sonic looked at Tails's face and reached over to kiss him. Sonic then moved to Tails's ear and said something. "I love you too Tails." He said.
Tails hadn't realized how much time had gone by since the last time they spoke he opened his eyes and smiled at the hedgehog. "You know when I wanted a fire in the fireplace, I really meant the fireplace." He said smirking. Sonic gave Tails a huge hug. "So when can we go back to the cabin?" Tails said questioningly. Sonic looked at the ground. "Tails the cabin burned down.... there is nothing left." Tails nodded his head. "Figured, thought I'd ask though." He looked back at Sonic and put his hand along the hedgehogs face. "At least I got to keep one souvenir from the cabin." Sonic held Tails's hand there. "You should be able to leave in a couple hours." Sonic said happily. "Good cause I want you to take me to where the cabin was." Tails said smiling. "Why?" Sonic asked questioningly. "I told you there is nothing left." "Tails looked over at the hedgehog. "No, there is something." Tails said smiling and putting his hand back down. "Trust me." Tails slowly fell back into a nice deep sleep.

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