Love at Sundown

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Sonic finished bringing the luggage in. He began by putting the food in the fridge. Sonic thought of all the fun they were going to have and blushed. Well......depends on what you think fun means. He finished putting the food away and put the suitcases in the bedroom. It was 8:30 and the sun was on the brink of sinking over the horizon. "Tails?" Sonic yelled. No reply. "Maybe he is in the Library." Sonic thought to himself while walking over to the Library door. "Tails?" He said opening the door expecting to see the fox sitting and reading. He wasn't there either. "Where is he?" Sonic started to worry. He suddenly heard the sound of rushing water. He perked his ears up and listened to where the rushing water was coming from. He followed the sound. He walked through the hallway and past the livingroom until his ear was up against the sauna/jacoozi room door. Sonic smirked to himself thinking of what Tails could be doing behind the door. Sonic knocked on the door. He heard a gasps and a little splash of water. He decided to knock again. "Uh...yah?" Tails said nervously. "I want to try out that sauna in there. Mind if I come in?" Tails immediately answered. "Nope fine by me." Sonic quickly ran to the other bathroom to grab a towel and ran back opening the door slowly. A huge wave a steam blew in his face. He looked over at Tails who was laying in the bubbly tub not making eye contact because of the hard blushing he was doing. It smelled great, like lavender and mint. Sonic walked over to the sauna and began taking off his clothes. Tails heart was beating rapidly. So fast it kinda hurt, he was afraid Sonic was going to hear it that was how fast and loud it was. Tails pressed a button on the wall next to him not knowing what it did. All of a sudden jets shot water from all sides of the jacoozi massaging Tails back. A small groan escaped the fox's mouth. Embarrassed by it he quickly cleared his throat as to pratend it never happened. He reached over at the other knob to see what it did. He turned it up. Steam came from the Sauna filling the room. Woops he said moving forward to turn it back down. The water was so warm that when he moved forward the colder air made him shiver. He finnaly got the thing to turn off. He embarrassingly layed back. He hit something hard. Not like the jacoozi hard but something different. He felt around behind him. "You give quite the message." Sonic said blushing uncontrollably. Tails blushed as well. "Oh my God! Me and Sonic are naked together in the jacoozi!" He was screaming in his mind but kept his cool. He layed back on the hedgehog. He felt so warm and he was humming. The sound from the steam made a snake like sound everytime it hit the lights. Sonic grabbed a unopened bar of soap and began scrubbing himself and Tails down. Tails shuddered at the sudden pleasure he was feeling from being rubbed down. Another moaned escaped his mouth making him blush a dark crimson red color. Sonic smirked behind him and continued washing the two of them. "Oh this feels so good." Sonic thought to himself. Tails was thinking the same thing. "It feels so good that it feels wrong." Tails thought to himself. They  both listened to each other's rapid breathing and the steam hitting the lights. Tails grabbed Sonic's hand. "I love you Sonic." Tails said in a whisper. Sonic reached down and kissed the fox's head. "I love you too Tails." Sonic said wispering into his ear. Tails turned around and kissed Sonic ketching him off gaurd. Sonic gently cupped the fox's head and continued kissing him. It was like nothing could separate them. If the world was ending they wouldn't have known. Tails pulled away slowly looking into the hedgehog's emerald green eyes. Tails  Layed back down and rest his head on Sonic's chest. Sonic put his arms around him in a hug. Tails eyes started to close but he tried keeping them open. This was the best time of his life, he wasn't going to sleep on it. Tails tried hard to keep his eyes open, but eventually gave up and closed them. He listened to the sounds around him. It was so...... peaceful. The smells were even better. Mint and lavender.He felt safe and for once in his life carefree. He gently nudged the hedgehog and began drifting off into a  light sleep.

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