The Wildfire

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Tails had just finished the book and looked over at the hedgehog. He was sleeping. He had been sleeping since chapter 38. "Some things just don't change." Tails said smiling to himself. Tails set the book down and looked around the room. It struck him they had been there about a week. Their Vacation time was almost over. Tails got up quietly as to not sturr the blue hedgehog. The fire had gone down to a few cackiling embers and it was nice and warm. Tails walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and smelled something. It was a burning smell. He just shrugged it off as the fireplace. He turned on the foucet and filled his cup. He quickly drank and decided to drink another cup before shutting the foucet off. The burning smell got worse. Tails started looking around for any sign of something burning and couldn't find anything. He decided to look outside. He opened the front door and that's when the heat hit him. Throwing him back onto the floor and singeing his hair a bit. He quickly got back up and ran to the kitchen for water he let it run and threw as much water onto the fire as possible. It was enough to clear the doorway so Tails had to see for himself how bad the fire really was. He slowly walked out the door and was faced with hell on Earth. The fire was all around gobbling up anything it could find. Embers shooting every where like the world was ending. The fire slowly licking the cabin. Tails ran to the side of the house where a water spicket was and turned it on full blast he quickly began throwing water on the house so the fire wouldn't singe it. Tails did this multiple times on each side of the house. Fighting the flames with water. The water sizzled but it would hold..... hopefully. Tails suddenly heard something. *Creak* Tails looked around he noticed that many of the trees had become weak do to the hell fire all around. *Snap* a tree suddenly fell shooting directly for the cabin. Tails quickly flew over taking the full wieght of the burning tree. He pushed and pushed trying to knock it out of the way. Tails's hands were hot he didn't think he could hold it much longer. Tails was sweating something aweful, drops falling to the ground and sizzling like the water. Tails managed to push the falling tree to the side barely missing the cabin. Tails wiped the sweat off his face. He was just about to go in a tell Sonic when another tree came down smacking the fox out of the air and pinning him down underneath the tree. Tails vision went blurry. He tried yelling but he couldn't even hear his own voice. He noticed something blue and blurry coming out of the cabin and run over. It kept saying something but Tails couldn't understand it. Tails pointed at the water. " put it......out." he managed to say. Sonic shook his head and tried pushing the tree. It wouldn't budge. Tails tried moving but his leg and one of his tails were stuck underneath the huge log. Sonic spindashed the log pushing it off. Tails tried crawling to the water spicket."right, left, right, left." He thought to himself trying to pull himself towards it. Something picked him up. His hearing started to return. "Tails we need to leave, were is the plane?" Tails barely had energy to speak. We..... can' many..... memories...." Sonic picked the fox up. He started moving farther and farther from the Cabin. The burning woods falling around everywhere around him. Pillars of yellow and orange collapseing. He grabbed the air towards the cabin. "No...." Tails said weakly. Tails's vision started going out or maybe he was closing his eyes. He couldn't tell he was so tired. "Hang in there buddy." I'll take you to the hospital....they will know what to do." He heard someone say. Tails world was all black he couldn't even think and before he knew it he was laying in the arms of his care taker lifelessly. Sonic looked down at the love of his life. "Tails why didn't you tell me?!" He said wispering. Sonic kept running, "Don't die on me buddy. C'mon now stay with me." Sonic could see the hospital in the distance. Amy and Sticks saw Sonic running into town and yelled his name. "Sonic?! "Where you going?! What's wrong with Tails?!" Sonic didn't reply he was to focused on getting Tails to the hospital. Amy and Sticks looked at each other worriedly and ran to the hospital. "I have a bad feeling about this." Sticks said to Amy. Amy nodded. "Me too.......Me too."

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