Pains Revealed

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Sonic woke up to screaming.....again. Sonic jumped out of bed right away and tore down the hallway. He opened the fox's door quickly. Tails was curled in a ball and in the middle of the bed. "Okay there is something seriously going on. He has been having nightmares way to many times this week." Sonic said agitated. Sonic walked over to the bed and picked up the little fox. "Shhh Tails, it's okay. I won't leave you....I'm right here." Sonic carried Tails to the living room bridal style and set him in his lap on the couch. Sonic stroked the Fox's head over and over. Sonic got up to go get some wood. It was chilly and he thought he would build a fire. He  went outside in search of some wood. "Where does Tails keep that chopped wood is it here .....nope bout... oh yep." Sonic picked up a couple logs and brought them back into the house. He threw them into the fireplace and started the match. He looked at the match for a hard second before throwing it into the fireplace. The fire was ablaze in a few seconds. The fireplace crackled and popped. Sonic sat back down and stroked the Fox's ears this time. He stared into the fireplace were the colors of the fire rose. He looked around the room at the light dancing around the walls. They all danced while the crackling and popping of the fireplace continued. "Sonic." Tails said slowly startling the hedgehog. "I'm sorry." Tails looked into the fire and spoke again. " I'm sorry I've been off lately it's just stuff has been going on lately." Sonic nuzzled Tails closer to him. "Shhhh. You don't need to apologise. You need sleep." Tails closed his eyes and thought to himself. "Sonic needs to know but I can't tell him. I care for him to much for him to get hurt." Tails fell back asleep quick and Sonic's eyes drifted shut as well. Soon enough both of them were sleeping in a deep sleep. "Now what did I tell you yesterday?" "I told you yesterday I couldn't do it." Sonic awoke to muffled arguing outside the door.Metal hitting something squishy could be heard.
Somebody was sobbing uncontrollably. "Six days....six days is what you have left." The sound of a motor started and quickly got quieter. Sonic rubbed his eyes he was still in the same position as last night. He looked around for Tails. He didn't see him. Sonic was just about to get up when Tail's opened the door and fell in the doorway. "Tails!" Sonic rushed over and picked up the fox. "What the hell happened!!?" Tails moved his hand from his abdomen. Which was bleeding something fierce. Tails looked up at Sonic. "Ba--" he said through heavy breathing. Sonic helped the fox to the bathroom. Setting him on the floor. "Get--get the wine from the fridge." Sonic rushed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen he rummaged through the fridge till he found the wine which was in the back. There was red hand marks all over it. Sonic rushed back to the bathroom. "I need you to pour it on the wound." Tails said closing his eyes and Breathing heavy. "It will sanitize the wound and help it heal." There was blood all over the bathroom. Sonic opened the cap and poured some wine on the wound. "Ah!" Tails said grabbing The bathtub in excruciating pain. "Alright get the gauze and wrap in the droor to your left." Sonic quickly got them out and put the gauze on the wound. Then he wrapped the wrap around The wound, going around Tails's 4 times. Before ripping it off with his teeth. Sonic picked up Tails bridal style and carried him to his bedroom. Tails winced from the pain. Sonic put him in the bed gently and sat in a chair next to him. "Who the hell did this to you!" Sonic said furiously. "Tails opened his eyes slightly and grabbed Sonic's hand. Sonic blushed a little but  held on to his hand tight. "It was Eggman." Tails finnaly blurted out. "What!" Sonic said angrly. "Why that little." Sonic got up but Tails pulled him back down. "Sonic don't." Tails said in between breathes. "He will kill me if he sees you." Sonic looked at his friend and got teary eyed. "Why did he do this to you?" Sonic said with more calmness. Tails tilted his head to the side towards Sonic. With his eyes still closed. "He said if I didn't build him a weapon.....a weapon strong enough to kill you....he would tell people what he knew and then kill me." Sonic looked at the poor fox looking deathly and sick. "Sonic....."Tails said weakly. "There.......there is something you should know......." "What?" Sonic said sadly. Tails suddenly passed out and Sonic shook him. "Tails! Tails!" Tails opened his eyes slowly. "I need to sleep Sonic." Tails said weakly. "I lost a lot of blood. I need you to promise me something....... Don't go to Eggman....and don't tell anyone." Tails closed his eyes and fell asleep. Sonic reached over to Tails's ear and wispered very quietly, "I promise." Sonic stood up holding the foxs hand in his. Sonic stroked the Fox's hand with his finger. "Oh Tails, I wasn't there to protect you." Sonic set Tails's hand on his chest and left the room. He went over and sat on the couch. Cupping his face in his hands. "Ug." He said to himself. He looked over at the clock on the wall. The hands making a tick tock sound. He layed back and waited. He closed his eyes and thought to himself. "If I get my hands on Eggface I'll show him what pain feels like." Sonic moved some pillows and blankets from his room to Tails's. Laying them on the floor. He layed down and looked up at the cieling. "I won't let anything happen to you again." He closed his eyes and napped.

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