Lone Cabin

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Sonic and Tails hopped out of the plane. "I didn't know you installed rocket landing gear?" Sonic said suprised at his loves invention. "It makes it easier to land were normal aircrafts can't." Tails said smirking. "My little genius." Sonic said laughing and ruffling the hair atop The fox's head. Tails rolled his eyes. They walked along an old stone pathway that led up to the cabin. When they finnaly reached it Sonic knocked on the door. *Knock* *knock* There was no reply. "Looks like it hasn't been used in a while." Tails said observing the dusty window. Sonic knocked again but there was still no reply. He cracked the door open. "Hello? Anyone here?" Sonic opened the door the rest of the way. "looks like nobody's home." Sonic walked in with Tails on his heals. He walked over to the counter and picked up a note that looked ages old. "Says here they only left this Cabin a few months ago for health reasons. Says to freely use it and that they hope it provides just as many memories as it did when they were here." Sonic set the note back down and observed around. "That's probably why it's still in good shape. It was only abandoned a few months ago." Tails said moving to the counter. He moved his finger along the counter removing the dust from the counter. He blew it off his finger making him cough. "It's a beautiful cabin." Sonic said looking around noticing an old picture of an old couple sitting in some rocking chairs. "I agree." Tails said following Sonic's gaze. "Could use some dusting I suppose." Sonic said repeating what Tails had done moments before. Tails began walking around the cabin. He noticed a huge master bedroom to the right of the kitchen. The kitchen itself had updated appliances and a nice wood bar that had been polished. It looked like the bar itself came right out of the woods. Tails moved back to the hallway. The end had two doors one to the left and one leading outside. Tails opened the door to the left and his eyes got wide. "Sonic!" Tails said happily. Sonic walked over and stared past the Fox. Books. Tons of them. There were books up and down, left and right. "Looks like a library." Sonic said observing. "Dah." Tails said laughing. Tails walked into the room and looked through all the books. "Classics, modern, science....." Sonic noticed a couple of rocking chairs near the center with a fireplace in front. Like the photo in the living room. He walked over. They had red velvety cushions and looked quite comfortable. "Hey Tails remember when mom used to read to us books by the fire? Oh what was her favorite book......she read it to us all the time...." Tails walked over with a blue clothed book that had a gold emblem in the center.. "Pride and Prejudice." Tails said setting the book in one of the rocking chairs. "Never really cared for that book." Sonic said thinking. "That's because you never paid any attention." Tails said giggling. "Whatever." Sonic said rolling his eyes. Tails started giggling again. They slowly made their way out of the Library and out the back door. When Sonic opened it he noticed a aged stone path like the one they cane up to the cabin on. Sonic walked down it forgetting Tails was behind him. There were tons of trees and flowers. "Lavender..... Hydrangeas...." Sonic was startled by the fox's voice. "Did I frighten you?" Tails said smirking. "Pfft no." Sonic said smoothly. Tails rolled his eyes and continued following Sonic. They kept walking till they reached a little well which seemed to be in the middle of an overgrown apple orchard. "looks like they may have been apple farmers." Tails said observing the overgrown brush around the old trees. Sonic stared as well. It seemed so familiar. Like he had seen it in a dream. He snapped out of it. Tails had already begun walking back. Sonic caught up to him. He stared at the golden fur and the swishing tails that blew in the wind gracefully. Sonic was so focused on the fur that he hadn't even noticed they had reached the cabin. Tails opened the door and entered with Sonic following Suit. "This place is perfect!" Tails said excited. Sonic noticed one more door to the side of the living room. He walked over and opened it, Enthusiastic by what he saw. "A jacoozi and a sauna!? Sweet!" He said laughing. Tails looked past Sonic's shoulder observing the room as well. "Yah that's awesome."  They closed the door and returned back to the position by the counter. "Alright I'll get the luggage by the plane." Sonic said sighing. "We should probably hide the XTornado first." He said thinking. "One step ahead of you!" Tails said grabbing what looked like a small model plane of the XTornado out of his belt. "How did you.....nevermind." Sonic said laughing. "You get me every time with these cool inventions of yours." "I'll dust while your gone. So we won't be sleeping with dust bunnies." He said with a grin. "Sounds like a good plan." Sonic said nodding. Sonic grabbed for the door and opened it. "See you in a few you sly fox." Sonic laughed to himself while Tails rolled his eyes. "Just get going." Tails said grinning. Sonic closed the door behind him and began walking back down the old stone path that they had walked up an hour before. "Can't believe he shrank that plane without me noticing." Sonic said talking to himself. "He is smarter then others give him credit for." He thought of what Eggman had done and got mad all over again. "Calm down Sonic, there is no Eggman out here. He will never find us in the middle of the woods." Sonic had almost reached the end of the path were the luggage was. "My clever Tails." He said to himself smirking. Picking up the luggage and walking back up the path through the darkening sky.

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