I'm No Superman

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  • 點播給 My Amazing Fans <3

Hey Little Pretties!
I'm on a roll today, two story updates in one day :D
Song on the side is "Superman" by Joe Brooks (A.K.A. Niall's Song, read and find out)
I have 49 fans and over 5,000 reads on this story! Thank you all so much! You guys are so amazing so this chapter is dedicated to my 49 wonderful fans!
Love you all my little pretties,
Madame Midnight


Harry’s POV

Two weeks.
Two long agonizing weeks and Ev hasn’t woken up yet. I haven’t left her bedside much, only to go use the rest room or when one of the guys drags me out of there for fresh air. Someone was always with her though; she was never left alone just in case she woke up. We were now all sitting around Evelyn, lost in our own conversations. Zayn and Niall were talking; Liam and Louis were talking while I was just lost in my thoughts. I haven’t gotten much sleep in the past two weeks. I was stricken with worry, I know it must be freaking out the other guys but I could care less. No matter what I tried I couldn’t fall asleep.
I was just staring at Ev, just watching her hoping she would open her eyes, move her hand, or do something. But with my luck she hasn’t moved.
I kept watching though, her hand opened and closed, and I fell out of my chair.
“Harry what the hell,” Liam yelled.
“I’m going crazy,” I say in disbelief that my sister had just moved her hand.
“What are you talking about,” Louis asked, helping me off the ground.
“Ev… I saw, I saw her hand move,” I choked out; I even thought it sounded crazy.
“Okay Haz, you are hallucinating from the lack of sleep. Evelyn didn’t move she hasn’t moved in the past two weeks okay. Now get some sleep,” Liam had put everything into perspective for me. It was just from the lack of sleep. Of course Ev hadn’t moved.
Maybe she wasn’t going to.
No, I can’t think like that I have to hold on to hope
I sat down on the uncomfortable white cot that the nurse had set up for us since we spent most of our nights here, and shut my eyes, tying to get some sleep. It actually worked; I started drifting off into a peaceful sleep. Then one of the boys let out a loud girlish scream. My eyes shot open and Zayn was on the floor, eyes wide with shock.
“What the hell happened,” I yelled at him.
“She…she…she moved her hand,” Zayn said.
“I told you I wasn’t crazy,” I shouted with glee.
“Fine, fine. You win Harry, but at least she’s moving it means she’s going to be waking up soon,” Liam explained as he tried to hide the huge grin on his face.
I walked over to where I was originally sitting on a chair next to Ev. Liam put his hand on my shoulder and put on his “Daddy Direction” face.
“Harry, you still need to sleep,” Liam explained.
“I’m fine Liam, I don’t need to sleep,” I said, pushing his arm off my shoulder.
“Harry, I’m serious,” Liam said with another stern look on his face.
“So am I,” I replied stubbornly.
He gave me one last stern look and I caved in. I walked back over to the cot and shut my eyes tight, hoping to catch some sleep. Before I knew it, I was falling into a peaceful rest.

Evelyn’s POV   

My eyes feel like sand bags right now.
I’m trying my best to open them but nothing seems to be working.
I have no idea how long I’ve been trying this but it probably looks really weird for whoever is looking at me.
After about five minutes, well I think it was five minutes. Right now I have no sense of time. For all I know it could have been five years. I opened my eyes to a dark room. There is no light except for a small green one coming from a heart monitor. I glance around the room, trying to figure out where I am.
Really you have a heart monitor and an IV in your left arm and you don’t know where you are? Did that bullet hit your empty skull?
Wow, I thought the voices in my head were supposed to be nice and give me words of wisdom.
You want words of wisdom? You are in a hospital because your crazy fiancé shot you!
Now it all starts coming back to me.
The almost wedding.
The gun shot.
Harry telling me to hold on.
Harry! Where was he? Is he okay? I sit up in alert and start looking franticly around the room. Suddenly I feel two arms hold me in a hug from behind. His arms are wrapped around my shoulders and his chin rests on my shoulder. It’s too dark to see who it is, I’m tense at first but it’s a friendly, comforting hug so I gently ease into it.
“You’re awake! I knew you would be okay,” I hear the voice say. It’s Louis’ voice, I nearly squeal with delight because the guys were here.
They cared.
“Lou, where’s Harry,” I ask Louis anxiously.
“He’s asleep, he’s barely slept since you were admitted,” Louis explained.
“Okay then let him sleep,” I say, thinking on behalf of my brother.
“No way! All of us agreed that if one of us was up when you wake up he would wake the rest up,” Louis announced.
I showed a small smile of how sweet all the guys were.
Louis leaned in towards me and pressed his lips softly against mine, “I missed you.”
I leaned back in my hospital bed and waited for Lou to wake the other guys up. I smiled as I saw the rest of the boys sleeping around the room.
I wonder how long they’ve been here.
I wonder how long I’ve been here.
Louis walked up to Harry and shook his shoulders, “Haz! Wake up, Evelyn is awake!”
Harry shot up and ran to my bed side; tears began to fill his eyes. He wrapped me in a hug, we didn’t say anything. We just sat there holding each other, letting the tears spill over. After a minute we parted and Harry’s face lit up.
“I’m really happy you’re okay,” Harry said through his tears.
“I am too Harry,” I said giving him another quick hug.
Louis then woke up Liam and Zayn who rushed over to engulf me in their hugs. Then Louis went to wake up Niall, “I’LL SAVE YOU SANDWHICH,” Niall yelled after waking up from his dream.
Everyone burst out laughing except Niall. “EVELYN,” he screamed and gave me a bear hug.
I smiled and hugged him back. Liam had left a minute ago to get the doctor, while the rest of the guys filled me on what I had missed.
Apparently I had been out for around two weeks.
Ethan was arrested, but I have to face him in court.
Yay, note my sarcasm.
Liam came back a few minutes later with a tall man with graying hair; he had dark brown eyes, and a light tan. He had a few wrinkles here and there and he also wore a doctor’s coat.
“Hello Evelyn, I’m Doctor Frey, so can you tell me what’s the last thing you remember before waking up here,” Doctor Frey asked.  
“Um, yeah,” I started. This was going to be hard to talk about. I felt Harry put a comforting arm around me and I relaxed a bit. “I remember I had gotten up early and went out to get ready for the wedding. At the wedding I remember, I remember I went to the back of the church to wait, and then….and then,” I couldn’t finish my sentence. I burst into tears.
“It’s hard for her to talk about, but she remembers,” Harry explained to Doctor Frey. He nodded and turns to Harry, “Well, she can be released today at noon. Alright, just make sure she gets plenty of rest and that she eats. Also make sure she takes it easy for the next few days, alright?”
“I’ll make sure she’s okay,” Harry said wrapping a comforting arm around me. I put on a small smile and gave Harry a hug. Doctor Frey walked out of the room.
“I’ll go get Angela,” Harry said as he walked out of the room.
“I’m hungry! Liam buy me food,” Niall complained.
“Fine,” Liam moaned. “Zayn, Lou, you guys coming,” Liam asked the boys.
Zayn nodded and stood up, “I’m gonna stay here,” Louis said.
Liam and Zayn nodded while Niall shot daggers into Louis’ head. The boys left and Louis and I were left alone.
“You okay,” Louis asked as he sat up on my bed.
“Yeah but I don’t understand something Lou. You kissed me, but why,” I asked him.
Louis took out a long sigh as he ran his fingers through his already messy hair, “Because I think I still have feelings. I mean back in California, I felt something, I don’t know if you did, but I did.”
“Look, Louis you are so sweet and I may like you too, but right now I am really confused and I just don’t want to think about relationships for awhile, okay,” I asked him.
He gave a sad nod and I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a tight hug. He kissed my forehead as Harry and my mother walked in.
“Baby! I am so sorry I should have listened! Ethan is arrested now all you have to do is g to the court date,” my mother said as she gave me a tight hug.
“Where’s Zayn, Liam, and Niall,” Harry asked us.
“Niall got hungry so they went with him,” I explained. Harry gave an empty nod and sat down on the other side of the bed with me. I just leaned my head on his chest and drifted off to sleep.

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