CHAP I | The Book

Start from the beginning

Rose sighed as she gestured for Sakura to come in.

"Just come in, I don't want to leave you in the cold."


"So…you found a book?" Rose questioned, picking up the book from Sakura's hand.
"But it's just not any other book, Rose-chan!" Sakura stated with sparkles in her eyes. "This book came from the time I had long hair, and I only found it today."

By Sakura’s description of ‘long hair’, it meant that it was the time period before she opened up to the world of westerners. She cut her hair into a bob to symbolize she was welcoming the new world into her shores.

"Wait, so you only found this book now? Why?" Amelia inquired.
"I somehow…lost it." Sakura replied, shaking her head. "I don't know how, but it disappeared before I could even discover what was inside."
"…And you brought it to me because?" Rose asked boredly. She didn’t know for the life of her why Sakura had come to visit her. Couldn’t she just be using the internet or ask an elder for the answer?
"Well you see Rose-chan," Sakura said, making little hand gestures, "Remember when you visited my place you claim you chatted with a 'friend'?

Rose tilted her head. Yes, she remembered the sad story on how the strange creature could not be seen anymore, not even by Sakura. Did this mean-

"I received the book from the creature you described."

Rose widened her eyes. "You mean you remember seeing him?" Sakura nodded her head in return, explaining what happened at that time.


Sakura walked quietly along the stream banks, humming quietly to herself. She carried a small basket with some food; she was planning to have a small picnic to herself. A small breeze pushed her hair around and made it messy, causing Sakura to sigh and stop to fix it. While putting the basket to the ground, she took out one of the small flowers in her hair, meaning to put it back in once she had fixed her hair.

However, a strong gust of wind came and knocked the flower out of Sakura's hand, causing Sakura to give a cry. She then started to run as best as she could after her beloved accessories, but she stopped as somebody caught it. She looked to see one of the most bizarre creatures she had ever seen.

The creature was quite strange- a green duck like creature with a man's body. He had a flat, hairless region on top of his head and looked like he just took a swim, as small droplets fell off him. He carried a sack on his back, and a small onion-like creature sat on his shoulder. He smiled and approached Sakura.

"I believe this is yours?" he asked kindly, holding out the little accessory. Sakura stayed in shock. This wasn't the creature she thought it was…? She trembled slightly a little bit, but the smile on the creature's face seemed to allow Sakura to trust her a little bit.
"Ah, yes! Arigato," Sakura replied grateful, gently taking the little accessory and putting it in her hair. She then gave a respectful bow.

Sakura then smiled at the creature- it did look quite familiar to descriptions she had heard of, but she couldn't be quite too be sure.

"Ah, are you a kappa?" Sakura asked. The creature smiled in return.
"Why yes I am!" the kappa replied happily, a smile on his face. Sakura suddenly didn't feel alarmed at the creature's presence, because she felt a happy aura. She sighed in relief, as she realized the kappa wasn't going to hurt her.
The kappa's stomach gave a grumble though, and a small silence hung between the two. After a few seconds, they burst into laughter.
"I have some food, would you like some?" Sakura offered, a smile on her face. The kappa smiled gratefully and took up the offer.

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