JK: "I did." He lifted up the book he checked out, says, "Jimin had to stay to finish a test. It is his last day to finish it, so he had to skip lunch."

Taehyung wasn't even paying attention to what Jungkook said as he was too focused on something else. Tae irritatedly bit onto his lip as he watched Jae's hand rub up and down the side of Jungkook's arm.

Jae: "So, Taehyung...are you going to let us by?"

Tae: "Oh, yeah sure...sorry."

He stepped to the side and allowed them past. As he walks beside them, he says, "So, uh, what were you two doing together anyways?"

Jae: "Chatting."

Tae: "...just chatting? What were you chatting about?"

JK: "I bumped into Jae who was coming out of his classroom so we decided to walk to lunch together. And as for what we were chatting about, nothing important really."

Tae: "Oh...cool...so Jungkook, should we get over to our table then?"

Jungkook thought about it for a moment, says, "Actually, Jae asked me to sit with him and his friends this time." The three came up to the table Jae's friends were at.

Jungkook looked over at Tae who was standing there silently, Jungkook says, "So, I'll see you in class, OK?"

Tae: "...ok." As he was about to walk off, he stops and looks back over at Jae's arm that was still wrapped around Jungkook. Jae watched as Tae grabbed onto his arm and slowly pulled it away from Jungkook, keeping eye contact with him. Without saying a word, Tae walked back over to his table.

Jae leaned over and says, "So about Taehyung...is he always like that? He's so...clingy."

JK: "If you think he's clingy, you should see my friend Jimin." He chuckles.
The guys were all laughing when Tae came over to the table. Tae sits down, looks at them all and says, "...what's so funny?"

NJ/ Jin/ HS: "You wear SpongeBob underwear??"

Taehyung looked over at Yoongi, confused. Yoongi leans over and says, "Just go with it."

Tae cleared his throat, says, "Oh...um, yeah."

Namjoon says through a laugh, "Why would you wear SpongeBob underwear??"

Tae: "I think the better question is, why wouldn't I wear SpongeBob underwear?"

HS: "Can we see??"

The guys looked over at Hoseok, weirdly. Hoseok says, "What??"

Tae: "My SpongeBob underwear are for my eyes only."

YG: "And Jungkook's.." he mumbled.

Tae looks over at Yoongi and kicks him under the table. Yoongi leaned down and rubbed his leg, winces and says, "Oww..."
On their way out of the cafeteria after lunch, Tae pulls Yoongi a bit behind the rest of the guys, says, "Why would you tell them I wore SpongeBob underwear??"

YG: "They were getting suspicious of your behavior about Jungkook. And they noticed us whispering, so I had to think of something."

Tae: "And that was the only thing you could think of to lie to them??"

YG: "It was either that, or you wore a toupee."

Tae: "They never would have believed that." He ran his hand through his hair.

YG: "Exactly. I knew they wouldn't believe it, that's why I told them you wore SpongeBob underwear."

Tae: "Do I look like I would wear SpongeBob underwear?"

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