daniel college boyfriend au

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-daniel is always singing around campus or humming to a beat in his head - it's something you loved about him
-he would be a smiling mess around you because you made him SO happy
-everything would be a date
-going to the grocery store? a date.
-going to the library to cry over upcoming exams and study? a STUDY and STRESS date.
-he wanted to see you as much as possible
-of course he has his respective group of friends and you have yours but you all intermingle between yourselves
-you eat lunch with his friends usually
-they are loud as heck
-combine zach, jack, corbyn, jonah, and daniel and what do you get? a loud mess
-daniel would hold your hand and walk you to your classes
-you'd sit in the music hall with him when he was there practicing the guitar after class
-in the words of daniel, he "serenades you" during his practice time
-did i mention your obsessed with his voice?
-because like ?? who isn't ??
-you'd sit in when he writes songs to "help him."
-in all reality you are distracting but he wouldn't have it any other way
-he likes to ask you about the lyrics he's writing and if this or that flows
-when you'd study he'd also be there
-he'd help you with flash cards and vocabulary
-the ONLY reason you passed your biology exam tbh
-the only thing you remembered before he helped you was that the mitochondria is the power house of the cell
-you'd study in your dorm most of the time because your roomate worked late night shifts and her classes started late in the day .. so she was never there
-y'all would sit on your bed with little bowls of snacks and study/do homework until you were bored
-then you'd snuggle up with some blankets and watch netflix
-one night you would both accidentally fall asleep and he'd have to wear the same clothes to class the next day because neither of you woke up
-he'd literally let you know that you come before his studies (he's pursuing music so college doesn't matter that much anyway but shhh you come first)
-he wants you to know he loves you the most
-he'd show you by hugging you and doing little small acts that make you happy
-he'd ask if you'd eaten, if you are caught uo on work, if you are feeling sick or healthy today
-the small things but they add up
-he'd be THE SWEETEST boyfriend hands down.. especially in college because he always shows you off to everyone

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