daniel imagine

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Corbyns POV

Daniel, Y/N, and I were were all lounging around in the living room. I was in a chair and Daniel and Y/N were on the couch. I knew for a fact that Daniel liked Y/N. I just knew him too well. He always denied it but the way he acted around her was obvious enough. The rest of the guys also believe he likes her.

I was almost positive Y/N liked him back too. Neither of them would admit to it so I had to take charge.

"Hey Y/N, are you busy tomorrow at 8?" I asked her.

"No, why?"

Then I turned to Daniel to see of he was. "Daniel, are you busy at 8?"

"Nah, I'll just be here. Why?"

"I was wondering if you two wanted to go see the new Fast and Furious movie tomorrow."

"Oh yeah. I'll go. I've been wanting to see it too." Daniel responded.

"I mean I guess I'll go too. It seems like a good movie." Y/N said.

I hit my hands on both sides of my chair and stood up. "Great. Well I'm busy tomorrow night. You two go enjoy your date tomorrow," I said as I walked away.

"Did he just-" Y/N said.

"Yeah he did." Daniel said.

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