🌻first date (bowers gang)🌻

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•henry was nice enough to let you pick the movie, he wanted to watch child's play but you insisted on heathers

•actually smacked the money out of your hand when you tried to pay

•"the princess doesn't need to pay for herself"

•you were surprised that it hadn't turned out to be your normal chick-flick but ended up liking it 

•henry on the other hand had just found his guilty pleasure movie

•he walked you home and made you wear his jacket even though you weren't cold

•tried to kiss you but you placed two fingers on his lips

•"not on the first date romeo" "so there'll be a second date?"


•he was actually really worried you wouldn't like him so he took his meds just this once

•spent so much time worrying he forgot to plan a legitimate date

•took you to the arcade at the last minute

•you forced him to play dance dance revolution with you, he was so lanky and awkward it made you giggle

•challenged you to see who could get the highest score in pac-man, winner got to pick a prize with all of your combined tickets

•was really surprised when you won

•"hand over your tickets beanpole, mama wants that huge ass giraffe"

•he ended up carrying the giraffe, which you let him name bartholomew, home for you

•"who's a good boy?" "uh, me?" "i was talking to bartholomew patrick"

•"it seems like you like the giraffe more than you like me""maybe, but you're the one getting a second date patty"


•you had done half of your Saturday cleaning on friday night

•somehow that barely made a difference and you had just finished cleaning 15 minutes before vic came for you

•you did your favourite 5 minute hairstyle, threw on a large sweater and jeans are rushed out before your mom could find something else for you to clean

•vic was still in awe of how cute you managed to look and hyped you up

•"damn look at my girlfriend" "girlfriend?" "too soon?" "let's see how this goes"

•he took you to the town diner and tried his best to act like a gentleman

•pulled out your chair, let you order first, and paid the bill

•grabbed a flower from some old lady's garden for you on the way home

•you gave him a kiss on the cheek and his hand lingered where you kissed

•"see you tomorrow, boyfriend"


•you already know this boy took you out on a drive

•he let you pick the music, only complaining on occasion

•thought you looked adorable quietly singing and waving your hand out the window

•you refuse to refer to him as 'belch'

•you guys stopped for ice cream the next town over

•"how can you not like mint chip ice cream" "because it's gross reg"

•on the way back to derry you let him take over the music

•you had a lot of fun and were actually surprised that you were upset the date was over

•"till the next one?"

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