🌻how he asks you out (bowers gang)🌻

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henry: it had been about 3 weeks since you had hit henry in the face with your textbook, and if anything it just caused him to try harder. "hey princess." a voice drawled from the other side of your locker. you slammed it shut and was greeted with a face full of henry bowers.

"what do you want now?" you began to walk away so he followed after you. "same thing as always, you." "why." he paused,"i actually don't know. i usually don't feel this way about chocolate drops like you." you turned towards him glaring,"i will hit you again. what will it take to get you to leave me alone?"

he seemed to be thinking for a moment, then smiled at you, "a date to the movies." you looked at him cryptically, "one date and you'll leave me alone?" he nodded, "unless you ask for more." you rolled your eyes. "i doubt it."

patrick: every since the forest, patrick always just seemed to be wherever you were. it had been freaking you out because he seemed to be going out of his way to do nice things around you. you were just waiting for him to do something terrible.

you were aimlessly walking around the field when he finally approached you. you adjusted your sunglasses and looked up at the taller boy,"what?" he looked startled, like he didn't expect you to respond, "hello, y/n" "hi patrick. can i help you or do you just wanna walk around with me?" he thought over his choices,"both."

the two of you started walking in a comfortable silence, until he broke it. "y/n," you glanced at him,"patrick?" "you wanna go on a date?" you shrugged,"sure."

victor: for the past 2 weeks victor had been smiling at you in the hallway, and you always smiled back. he talked to you more in class, and always tried to sit next to you. but today he had been acting strangely, fidgeting in his seat and writing intensely in a notebook.

you decided not to ask about it and went to lunch with your friends. after lunch you saw vic hanging out in the same hallway as your locker. you smiled at him but he just looked away. frowning, you walked over to your locker and opened it. inside was a single red rose and a note.

i'm really bad with rejection and you make me really nervous. so i decided to ask you out through a note. i know, i'm a pussy. but i was wondering if you waned to go out to lunch with me on saturday? i would appreciate it if you could give me your answer the next time you saw me. ~vic

smiling, you walked over to victor and engulfed him into a hug, causing him to let out a small sound of surprise. "i would love to go on a date with you vic."

belch: you had missed you bus and began to walk home. and to make everything worse, your hair was open and it started to rain. "why does the world hate me?" you heard the rumbling of a car and glanced back to see belch and the rest of the gang slowing down next to you.

"you need a ride? you looked soaked." belch asked. you nodded, it would be great to get out of the rain.

"don't just let her in!" henry protested, "get something in return for her wetting your seats." it was too late to kick you out of the car since you had already sat down and strapped in next to victor. you raised and eyebrow as belch looked at you through the rear-view mirror. "does no one do anything out of the kindness of their heart in this town?" you groaned.

belch looked at you once more, "a date. that's all i want in return." you thought it over, "that doesn't sound too bad."

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