can't beat the meat ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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*More lemon in this chapter cause I'm weird as f*

"C'mon! Call the pizza place!" Goggles and Rider sat on the sofa in their apartment building in the outskirts of central Inkopolis.

"Why do you want ME to call them?" Rider asked.

"Because... I'm shy..." Goggle's eyes twinkled, and his ears drooped like a puppy.

Rider didn't even hesitate. "Fine." He grabbed his phone and called up the pizza place. "I don't even have to ask, right Goggles?"

"CHEESE! CHEESE!" He chanted.

"I knew it." Rider rolled his eyes. "Are you sure you don't want like, any meat on it or anything?"

"No! Yuck!" Goggles made a disgusted look. "Cheese! Only cheese, please."

Rider couldn't help but laugh at the dork. "Okay, well fine." Rider ordered the pizza for delivery. After he got off the phone, Goggle's sat next to the door like a dog waiting for its owner.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Waiting for the pizza!"

Rider slapped his own forehead with his palm. "Y-you... why?? It's not going to be here for like 30 minutes."

"I do this when you're coming home, Rider!"

"I know," Rider rolled his eyes. ", but come on." Rider grabbed Goggles' hand, but he wouldn't budge.

"But, I'm waiting for the pizza!"

Rider picked Goggle's up. "Don't listen to me, and I won't share any."

"NOT FAIR!" Goggles spit in the green squids face.

"You're an asshole."

"Don't call me that, stupid head!"

"Hmph." Ride chucked, carrying Goggle's on his shoulder and brought him to his bedroom, and tossed him onto the bed.

"What is this? A porno?" Goggles laughed.

"If you want it to be." Rider got on top of him and began kissing him, wrapping his arms around his neck to give a more passionate kiss.

"R-ri... I...." Goggles couldn't speak. "Y-...You..."

"What is it? Didn't you want this...?"

Goggles still couldn't say a word. His eyes began to twinkle again, as his ears drooped down and he only lightly nodded. Rider didn't say anything either, he let his body do all the talking by removing his shirt and placed Goggles' hands onto his stomach.

"Whoa! A 6 pack!?" Goggles' observed by touch.

"Haven't you seen it before?" Rider looked away and blushed.

"Well... yeah." Goggles giggled. "I guess it just always surprises me." He felt Riders hands cup his cheeks tenderly, and also felt his lips firmly kiss his own. He smiled and kissed too, not holding back on anything. Goggles' slowly began unbuckling Rider's belt, reached inside of Riders pants as his hand journeyed around his cock.

"What the f*ck...?" Rider let out a squeak.

"You're acting like we've never done this before~"

"F-*ck..." Rider squinted. "Y-you... don't just... ahh... you little f*cker..." Those words only made Goggles want to go further. He rubbed his other hand along Rider's chest down to his abs and down to his crotch. He wrapped both of his hands around his friends cock.



"How do you do this again?"

"You little shit!" Rider rolled his eyes, unzipped Goggles' pants and used his own hands to demonstrate. "You go like this..." He slowly began to jerk the blue squids cock.

"EEeeee.. R-rider.." Goggles whimpered. "I-I... I get it now!!"

"I know you do... s-" Before Rider could even finish talking, he found himself in pleasure from Goggles' touches and rubs, it was mouthwatering and seductive the ways his soft little hands traveled from his head to the bottom of his length.

"Mm, you like it Rider... don't you?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... shut up- F-F-F*ck you..." He squinted as he arched his head back, feeling his love nectar beginning to emanate out.

(lololololol love nectar please forgive me :^) )

"RIDER! Uhmm... ahhh-.." Goggles' cooed, as he felt the same way. His moans and whimpers were interrupted by a deep kiss as they both blew their load. 

(why do people read this)

"Ahh~ Rider...." Goggles gave him one more kiss before laying down and taking breathes.


"Rider? You ok?" Goggles placed his hands on Rider's cheeks, trying to get him to look his direction but Rider wanted nothing to do with it. "Look at me, Rider!"

"W-why..." Rider blushed, as he huffed.

"Because I love you." Goggles kissed his best friend on the cheek, and slowly began to turn him over onto his back. Goggles snuck on top of him, laying against his warm, soft body. "You're afraid that your pride is slipping, aren't you?"

"It already slipped..." Rider still didn't look directly at Goggles.

"Rider... obviously pride doesn't have to do with this. This is our secret, kay?" Goggles hands rubbed against his chest.


"You like it don't you?"

".... y-yeah..." Rider hesitated. "A lot."

'Hehe..." Goggles couldn't help but smile. "And I'll make you like it even more..." Goggles towered over Rider, their noses touching. Goggles looked at his lips with the desire to kiss them. "I am yours..." He said.

Rider blushed deeply. "Yes you are..." Rider seductively whispered as he closed the distance between them. Rider happily owned Goggles mouth, his to take. As their tongues touched shivers went down his entire body; this was even better than the first time.  Goggles moaned in his mouth as their lips moved in sync.

At that moment Goggles removed himself from Rider, leaving a string of saliva behind. Goggles looked down at Rider's boner that had formed while they were kissing.

"Ooo~ Someone just woke up again~" Goggles winked.

"Shut it, you dumbass." Rider blushed from ear to ear.

Goggles gave him a look. "Maybe I will shut up and put your dick in my-"


"PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Goggles zipped his pants up and ran to the door.

Rider grumbled. "UUUUUHHG, you bastard!" He got up and buckled his belt back. After the pizza man left, he came into the kitchen. "You aren't getting away with this, Goggles..."

"I know! After my pizza..." Goggles happily took a bite out of the delicious slice of doe, sauce and cheese. "...I'll be sure to save some room for desert~"

Rider blushed, then crossed his arms. "F-fool..."


Well uhhhhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I never do lemooooonnnssss. I think I succ at em. SOME PEOPLE WANTED IT THO SO...

Lemme know if you want more cause I uhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I WANT YOU TO ENJOY

I'm kinda at an art block rn so ಥ_ಥ Maybe just let em enjoy their pizza for now till I think of somethin. I ALSO HAVE SKOOL which is a pain

April 18th 2017

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