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" The fuck you mean you lost him" i yelled loud enough for everyone in that fucking room could hear. " yo bossman we're gonna find him we already got a lead to where he could be" jacari said but that nigga could've said that shit along time ago.

this is important i have to find the man who killed jako and we know who it is we just gotta find him.

the mans name is Marcus Hines. he been out to kill jako for a long time and last year was the time. jako went out to deliver a drop and get the money from a guy named Jack but jack worked for Marcus.

he showed up to the spot and when he got out of car they basically kidnapped him and shot him . still pains me to speak about it because it's one of those things you don't talk about. and then looking at des and alexa you can see the pain maybe not so much from alexa but definitely des.

i went down into the basement and started cleaning all of my guns making sure each of them was loaded , always have them on safety just in case somebody breaks down here or something.

" bossman" i heard jacari say as he came down the stairs to his usual spot on the couch. " we gotta find this nigga i want him dead".


" aye adrian lemme holler at you real quick" i said motioning at him to come to me but of course this nigga slow and don't knwo shit. so of course everyone was telling him to go to me.

" aight so i'm tryna take des on a date do somethin real nice for her but i don't know shit about that because i don't do relationships and all of this" i said and he looked at me and started laughing .

" nigga the fuck is you laughing for ain't nothin funny " he just continued laughing attempting to say words but couldn't get them out . " aight aight lemme get ariana to help you out" he said still slightly laughing at me.

it's true i don't do dating or relationships i'm more of a one night stand or i fuck with you for a little bit and move onto the next. always been like that becas ain't nobody ever stayed with me besides my moms, jacari,adrian, and steven.

dad got locked up because he chose to become a alcoholic and do drugs and this that's nd the third. moms said he gettin out pretty soon but i don't wanna see him though i have no reason. wasn't there to help raise me with my moms and it's too late now i'm 19 years old and i don't need him.

like how could someone just abandon someone and chose something that can be stopped and put that over there own kid like what the fuck.

i left the trap and got inside my camaro which everyone knows is mine since it has king in the license plate . i'm royalty what can i say.

i drove to my house and opens the door to a smell of brownies which means des is here. she always makin somethin and never eats it just makes it and leaves it there.

" des" i said calling out her name and heard her come downstairs smiling " whatchu doin here i thought you went home" she shook her head no and hugged me" i didn't wanna go home it's boring there and my mom and my little sister are out of town right now" .

understandable i mean i always have someone over but not with her i gotta chill down now . still ain't with this whole relationship type shit.

" where you goin now" i asked as she walked downstairs to the kitchen " to go get something to drink " why would i ask that like nigga obviously she's going to the kitchen.

fuck wrong with me all of sudden like seriously . i walked into my room and took off my shirt , pants, and shoes leaving me in nike basketball shorts laid down in the bed.

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