Ten: What is Lost?

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You open your eyes quickly and sit up, bewildered, in a strange bed in a strange room.

A group of people stand in front of you, a blonde smirking boy, a black haired, golden eyed butler, a purple haired woman, and three identical triplets...

"Who are you?" You whisper. "Where-?"

"[Name]! You don't remember me? Any of us?" The blonde opens his eyes wide.

"[Name]? Who's that?" You quickly stand up. "Who are all of you? What am I doing here?!" you shriek.

A flash of a satisfied smirk passes across his face, but you aren't sure you really saw it....

"I'm Alois! Alois Trancy, don't you remember?"

You shake your head.

The butler and Alois exchange a smile.

"Alois Trancy! I'm your fiance!"

You anime fall backwards. "Wait, Whaaaaaaaaaat?!?"


Alois and Claude stand outside of [Name]'s door, after she fainted in shock.

"You did it, Claude!" Alois exclaims.

"Such is the work of a Trancy butler, exchanging memory into nothing, -"

"Yes, yes," Alois waves absently. "Just make sure to keep her here, so she doesn't try to escape or anything. Of course, that's silly! Why would my [Name] ever try to escape from me, the one who loves her so?!" He skips away, humming.

Claude smirks. "Of course, once she sees your true nature, she will be running. Running straight into my arms~" He poses.

"Now, I only need to keep away that Phantomhive boy, but that shouldn't be a problem when he realizes what you've done. But... Sebastian." He spits. "And that blasted reaper....."


*Several Days Later*

The London streets are in an uproar. "The Queen, where is the queen?" they demand.

Tears stream down your sister's face as she kneels in her empty servant's quarter, hands clasped together. "I'm so sorry, [Name], but I don't know what to do! Where are you? Where?" she sobs.

Two figures completely in black exit through the palace doors and rush through the mob outside into a waiting carriage. Once settled, the shorter one speaks.

"I don't get it, Sebastian," Ciel sighs. "Just the other day, one of the members of Parliament was murdered. In the resulting chaos, the queen disappeared and was never seen again. If she was taken, why is there no ransom? If she was murdered, why has there been no revolution? It makes no sense..."

Sebastian remains quiet. [Name], where have you gone off to...?

Ciel suddenly stares him in the eye. "Sebastian, I've had enough of games. You know where she is, don't you...."

Not this, Sebastian thinks. Please, not this...

"You must never lie to me! That is our contract, is it not?"

Sebastian nods, eyes flashing red.

"Sebastian, I ORDER you to take me where the queen is."

Sebastian wordlessly picks him up and jumps out of the carriage. When he stops, they stand outside of the Undertaker's...

Ciel closes his eyes and walks inside. "Undertaker-"

"Ah, Earl Phantomhive." The Undertaker comes out of a coffin. "What is it that you need?"

"Where. Is. The. Queen?"

"You know my price, Earl."

"I'm NOT in the mood." Ciel replies.

Undertaker stands with his hair parted so that you can barely see his eyes, gleaming green. "Neither am I, Earl. It'll take an awful lot for you to get me to laugh today. Please, do your best."


Ciel waits outside the door.



Still nothing....

He bursts back into the room. "What are you doing-?"

Both of them stand, somber, as if in deep discussion.

"Enough! Sebastian, show me the Queen!"

Sebastian kicks aside the lid of a nearby coffin. "There is your queen," he says darkly.

Ciel stares in horror at the partial skeleton in front of him. "This... this.... Sebastian, who killed her?"

Sebastian stays silent.

He rips off his eyepatch. "Sebastian, I order you to tell me. WHO KILLED THE QUEEN?!!!!????!!!"

Sebastian flinches. "It.... was..."

The Undertaker tackles him and covers his mouth. "Don't you dare...."

Sebastian's contract seal begins to burn into his hand, spreading black flames along his arm. He yells in agony.

"TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!" Ciel shouts.

"[Name]! It was [Name]," he whispers.

"[Name]? That dirty,  filthy..... I'll kill her.... Sebastian, we'll make this a lovely, loooong hunt, and.... dear [Name] shall be the prey."

Sebastian watches as the flames die out. "Yes..... My lord...."

Undertaker sighs.


...I was not planning this.... whatev.

Thanks so much for reading!

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