Fifth Obstacle: Yourself

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After your encounter with Alois and Claude, you decide to wear another disguise on the streets.

While the palace servants are out working, you secretly search through their wardrobes. You reject the maid's outfits as too difficult to walk in.... and...

Oh, perfect. You can dress up like a gardener! You throw on a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt with a tight undershirt underneath so that your form looks more masculine. You throw your [Hair Color] hair up into a hat, and, standing in front of a mirror, you desperately hope that you could pass for a young boy.

You take the same secret passage to London and catch a cab out to your old estate. Your servants must have all deserted when your family disappeared, as you have to unlock the door yourself and the furniture is covered in layers of dust.

Most of the furniture, anyway. On the sitting room table you find a lone, recent calling card, with the name-

"Earl Ciel Phantomhive," you murmur, with a slight smile

"And you are-" a commanding voice asks from behind you.

You gasp and spin around, catching your foot on the tablecloth and sprawling to the floor, as the hat and your hair go flying wildly. You moan and slowly raise your head.

"Lady [Name]?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!" Ciel gasps. "Are you all right?"

You stand up quickly and brush yourself off. "Um, yes, yes, I'm alright." You resist the urge to turn and run.

"What are you doing," he laughs slightly, "in such a ridiculous outfit?! You almost look like Finny!"

You frantically look for an excuse. "Well, ummmmm.... the truth is, I'm.... I'm afraid!" Your give him a tearful gaze. "My entire family disappeared, and I don't want to stay here alone! What if-" You hope you aren't overdoing it, "They.... come after me?"

"I fully understand, and therefore I insist that you come and stay at the Phantomhive Manor. I can protect you!" His face tinges pink "Ah heh, uh, what else are Noblemen for?"

"Oh no," you laugh nervously. "I already have a place to stay, I couldn't ask you to put up with me."

"I insist."

"No, I'm... I'm just fine!" You affirm.

He sighs. "If you say so... but would you please come to the ball we're having tomorrow?" He holds up his hand to stop your excuses. "It's a costume ball, no one needs to recognize you! We can even-" His face turns darker red, "Lend you a costume for the party."

You sigh. "I suppose..."

"Great! I'll send out the carriage-"

"No! I'll come myself!" You shout.

He closes his eyes and smiles. "Just make sure you show up."

You turn away and blush. "Y-yeah."

Sebastian frowns as he stands behind Ciel and listens to your conversation. Your exquisite beauty and charm, clumsy yet brilliant and lethal, all seem too familiar to him. He had seen you before, his own ideal, one every few centuries, and fallen deeply in his own form of lusting obsession with her.

But every single time, she refused to go near a demon like him. Too pure, too lovely, she would always choose death over him...

But you... you seem different. You, perhaps you aren't so concerned about what he is, maybe this time, he can finally hope again. Maybe you can teach him real love.

All he knows is that right now, you seem to be falling in love with his master.

Sebastian will not allow that.

You catch a flash of glowing pink out of the corner of your eye and glance up.

Sebastian catches your eyes and your face turns hot at the look of determination in his red gaze.

"Well the, [Name], it seems to be getting late." Ciel stands up. "Would you like to come with us right away and get ready?"

You frown as you remember that you had an audience with Baron Guisan scheduled. Eh, well, the traitorous bastard could stand to wait. You smile and nod. "Sure."

His blue eye lights up. "Great! And guess what? The queen herself will be there also!"

Your jaw drops open as you suddenly remember that letter you had never gotten around to opening. Oh CRAP! How are you supposed to get out of this one?

Your Life Is a Lie - Reader x Black Butler (Ciel, Alois, SebaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon