Escape - ♥ ☥ 4 - Ending 3

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You can't stay any  longer, Kneeling on the floor... It's time to run. Like hell. The only question is... where? 

"[Name]?" A sleepy voice asks. "You found out?"

You sigh. "Yeah."

"Don't worry." Price Sohma stands up and stretches. "That's what I'm here for."

"Would you really help me?" You avoid his eyes. "You.... you don't know what I've done.... I deserve this...."

He walks towards the door and catches your hand with you. "It doesn't make any difference to me, [Name], because I lo- .... Ah, that is, I think we need to get going."

And so he drags you through the halls. Your breath catches every time he turns back to look at you, sparkling in the dim lights. Whenever you hear the faintest footstep,  he pulls you close in front of him and the two of you hold your breath. It all seems to be a dream.... 

"[Name] there's the exit!" he whispers excitedly. 

"And what happens then?"

"Well have to find out... together.... I'll follow you wherever you go, becau-"

Something whizzes through the air, straight towards you. "Look out!!!!" Sohma yells, tackling you forward. You land on the floor beneath him, your heart rattling in your chest. 

"[Name] [L/Name], I just want you to know that I love you." Prince Sohma bends down, and your [Color] hair tangles in his own purple hair as your lips connect at long last. It burns like a fire, and you hold on for as long as you can until he reluctantly rises to his feet and helps you to stand. 

The challenger,  William T. Spears, waits for you to arise, Death Scythe at the ready. "Surely you know that humans like yourself have no chance against a Grim Reaper."

"Sohma, where's Agni?" You ask,  hopeful.

"Gone," he replies. "I made sure of it."

"What?  No!"

William pushes up his glasses. "One of you must surely die. I would appreciate it if you keep to the schedule and let Miss [L/Name] retire to the other side. She's overdue."

"Yes," You bow. "Kill me already!"

"Never." The Prince stands between you. "I will not let you die as long as life is still flowing through my body." He takes two daggers from his cloak and stands as the  living picture of a dancing Shiva, Hindu god of destruction and death. 

"Very well then." William stands with his Scythe at the ready, waiting for the first move. Sohma doesn't hesitate,  rushing forward with a cry. He cuts am X pattern deep into the reapers chest. Blood soaks into his suit, and William smirks. "Could such a weapon as that do any harm to a Grim Reaper?"

"Stop, please!" You cry. "Kill me, just kill me and be done."

"Too late." William gives off a wave of calm insanity and impales his opponent on his Scythe, flinging him across the room and into the opposite wall. "[Name] [Last Name] Your life is spared. Again. Use it well, this time."

Prince Sohma gives you a satisfied half smile as he closes his eyes for the last time. 

----------------Timeskip brought to you by an unrepentant sadistic author----------

"Agni." You rub your palms on the skirt if your black dress. "Agni....."

The white-haired butler collapses on the floor, sobbing so hard even after nearly a week. "I could have saved him, you know I could have! I- I failed my Prince, my only reason for living!"

You kneel down and grasp his shoulder. "No... I could have saved him, I was supposed to die instead!" Your nails claw into the sleeve of his cloak. 

Agni puts his arms around your back and pulls you close. "[Name], what are we going to do?"

"I don't know." You close your eyes and let the tears fall. 

[Name], you're my only Princess. 

Your Life Is a Lie - Reader x Black Butler (Ciel, Alois, SebaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt