Second Obstacle: The Dog and The Spider

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You took hours looking through the queen's private papers to learn all you could about her underground contacts.

You squint your eyes to see through the dark tunnel adjoining the castle to the secret meeting place for the underground networks of the queen. Guided by candlelight, you slip through the slightly rusted door and widen your eyes at the scene in front of you. The room is magnificent, nearly as much so as the throne in the main castle.

Clop, clop.

You run to the center chair in the room and jump onto the seat just before the double doors begin to open. A butler in black holds the door open as a dignified figure in navy blue strides into the room.

You hastily adjust your black dress and try to look dignified. You can't see much through the black veil you keep hidden behind, but you wait for the Guard Dog to approach you. What does he look like? You'd heard he was surly and eccentric, probably some strange old man....

The light suddenly hits his face and you can't help but blush.

The Earl Ciel Phantomhive looks around the same age as you!

His dark blue hair falls perfectly around his face, the eyepatch accents his other hypnotizing blue eye, yet he seems quite dignified, like a true gentleman.

"Greetings, your majesty," He says in a low voice and bends before you, kissing your hand, which you left partly outstretched in shock.

Yes, it's pretty much your perfect fantasy.

Except that you are currently in mortal danger.

C'mon, [Name], Pull yourself together! You think.

"Of c-" Your voice cracks. You clear your throat nervously. "Of course, Earl. Do have a seat."

"What shall I do about the butler?" he asks.

You squint your eyes at the dark figure standing near the doorway.

"Ah, maybe he should stay outside?"

"Yes, your majesty." A deep voice responds before slipping out.


"Excuse me, your highness."

You jerk your head up. "Yes?"

"I believe that I saw Alois Trancy out today as well. Have you called both of us here?"

"Indeed I have," you say in your most authoritative voice.

"May I ask what purpose would require both your Guard Dog and your Spider?"

"Er.... No, you may not!" You say with finality. Or at least, you hope it sounds final.

The door opens once more with a very similar situation, but this time the figure that saunters closer to you wears a purple cloak.

You blush once again as you see that the blonde with sky blue eyes looks about the same age as you as well.

But you quickly decide that he isn't your type when he brashly claims a seat, stares up with a feral gleam in his eyes, and addresses Ciel before you."Ah, my dear Ciel! How good to see you."

Ciel moves slightly to the side with a look of disgust.

You glare so hard you're almost disappointed that he can't see your face.

Ciel clears his throat and looks to you.

Alois finally looks up. "Oh, hello Queen!"

You begin to growl before thinking better of it.

"Have you no better manners to address her Majesty?"

You begin to smile before you realize that Ciel's high regard for the Queen.....

Will only make him hate you even more if the truth ever comes out.

You sigh.

"Well, what's up then, Queen? Do you want us to investigate the murder?" Alois asks abruptly.

"There are actually a few more things I'd like you two to investigate..." You begin. For one, My successor, the Baron Guisan. I also want you to investigate the disappearance of the [Last Name] Family.

I want you to find out everything."

"Is that all, my Lady?" Ciel asks.

"That is all."

"It shall be done." He rises to go.

"If that's what you want," Alois says as he leaves.

You really hope this investigation isn't going to come back to bite you.


Sebastian follows Ciel to the steps of the carriage. He purposely trips him slightly and whispers to him. "Don't you think, Young Master, that the Queen seemed a bit.... odd, today?"

Ciel stands upright. "I did indeed, though I see no cause to worry. No doubt she's merely out of sorts, perhaps even slightly sick."

Sebastian smirks as he walks away. "Out of sorts, indeed." He lets out a small chuckle. "Well now, [Name] [Last Name], let's see how your little game plays out."

Nearby, Claude straightens his glasses and shoots a narrow glance toward Sebastian before looking back towards the meeting place they had just left.

The coming events could prove to be quite.... eventful for all involved.

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