08: of freaking course

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I ring the doorbell to Nick and his father's condo. It takes a minute but he eventually comes to the door. He rolls his eyes.

"Ugh, I forgot I told you we'd do that dumb project today. Come in, I guess." He leads me inside and shows me to this cute little sunroom that seems to have been taken over by guy stuff. Golf clubs in the corner, gym bags and tennis shoes scattered around, soda cans and remotes lying around. The only things free of clutter were the table and couch. Not to mention all of the little window-walls were spotless.

He kicked a path to the couch, grabbing the bags of stuff we bought the other day on his way. As I follow him I notice he looks kind of nice. Dark-wash jeans that seemingly fit perfectly and a black t-shirt that shows some of the curves and dips of his shoulder and back muscles cover him. He takes a seat on the couch and I stand there, frozen.

"If you're done checking me out, I'd like to get to work now," he says with a smirk.

"I was no-" he interrupts me.

"Don't lie to me or yourself, just sit down while you still have part of your dignity."

I worked the late shift last night at the cafe for some poetry night, and then stayed up late talking to Lacy, so I'm too tired to respond. I just sit down and start pulling out our materials. We decided to do the visual part of the project first, since it was the first thing due.  We were making a miniature version of the theatre most of Shakespeare's plays were performed at. Maybe we just took the idea the teacher had and ran with it, but so what?

4 hours, lots of cutting and two glued fingers together (not mine) later, we're about 90% done with it. I go into the kitchen to get us both some water, and when I come back Nick is on his phone. He quickly puts it away. "Hey, um, we're out of glue. If we wanna finish this tonight, we should probably go get some more now."

He's never so cordial. I look at the table and see the glue right next to him. "There's some right here," I say, reaching for it.

He grabs my wrist and returns it to my lap. "It's empty. Let's just go get more."

I roll my eyes, annoyed, "Fine, whatever. The sooner we finish, sooner this," I gesture between us, "never has to happen again."

"Great!" He exclaims as he stands. "Let's get a move on!" He says way too enthusiastically. I glare and slip my shoes on.


Ten minutes into the trip, I knew we weren't going to the craft store. It was still light outside, but the sun was getting closer and closer to the horizon line. I probably should've known 5 minutes ago, considering I passed the craft store on the 10 minute drive to Nick's house. But I'm sorry, Tumblr was just too enticing.

"Nick," I say, trying to warn him to be cautious with just my tone.


"Where are we really going?" I ask, getting more angry as the buildings quickly passed.

"I wondered when you'd catch on," he says amused.

"Just answer the question," I say with my teeth grit.

"We, my dear-," he stops, thinking of what to call me. "person, are going to a party." He says it proudly, with a satisfied smile. "By the way, I would've called you friend, but we both know we aren't at that stage. Now that I think about it, you aren't my dear anything. So just person then."

"Thanks for clarifying," I say sarcastically. Then it hits me. "WE'RE WHAT?"

"You heard me."  

He's stopped at a red light, so I unbuckle my seat belt and try to get out. In the middle of traffic. Luckily the locked doors stopped me from doing that. "Oh come on, Ali, when's the last time you had a little fun?"

"Last night, in my bed." His eyebrows immediately raise. "Not like that, you perv. I was watching Netflix."

He lowers his eyebrows and says, "Oh," quietly.

"Yeah," I reply. "Now drive me back home."

"Sorry, no can do."

"Why not?"

"If I drive you back, then I'll miss the first round of beer pong. And if I miss the first round, I miss the first tournament. That means I have to wait until the second, which is no where near as fun because everyone playing is already half drunk, therefore there is no competition."

"Well then drop me off right here. I know my way home."

"As empty as I find you, I don't doubt your geographical knowledge, but sorry, can't do that either."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because even though I don't like you, I'm still a gentleman, as hard as you find that to believe. And a gentleman, never leaves a... ni- no... pret- no... Oh, never mind, they just don't leave people on the side of the road," he explains.

"So there's no way I'm getting out of this?" I ask.


Well, great. I sigh and lean against the window. All of a sudden I'm startled by its movement. I immediately sit up and look at Nick.

"Keep your body upright. I don't want a sleeping passenger and I especially don't want your head print on my window."

I glare at him intensely until I realize he either isn't paying attention or doesn't care. What a fun ride this is.


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