Episode 15: Bachelorette Party

Start from the beginning

Amy: You know what you speeding right now reminds me of?

Adrian: What?

Amy: The times in high school when you supposedly ran away, and when you guys ditched school as a group and went to the beach.

Ashley: You're right. It kind of reminds me of that also.

Adrian: What can I say? That's just how Adrian Lee speeds. (smirking)

Amy: Of course you would come up with a catchphrase that rhymes. (laughing)

Adrian: Hey, you know it.

Amy: Aye aye Adrian.

Adrian: We're here.

The car came to stop. The engine shut off. The roof was left down. Amy and Adrian exited the car using their door. Whereas Ashley did her best to jump over the side of the car since her belly was to big to allow her to jump, and would cause a struggle getting out through Amy's door as it did getting in. Once all three of them were off the girls noticed they were at a club. Confused Amy and Ashley looked at each other. Each one thinking the same thing as the other.

Ashley: Adrian why are we here? Neither Amy nor I can drink.

Adrian: But we can. And just because you can't drink doesn't mean you can't have fun. Dance to the music. Relieve yourself from some stress. Engage in some conversation. You know.

Ashley: I guess some dancing wouldn't hurt. Neither would some conversation. Who's we?

Adrian: You'll see. Come on.

The two girls did their best to keep up with Adrian as she raced across the street. The barhop took one look at them and then waved them through. Almost to fast for any of them to believe he actually cared who entered the club, and who didn't. They trailed Adrian as she bee-lined across the middle of the dance floor to a large booth on the other side of the club. Seated in the booth, already waiting for the three girls to arrive, were Lauren, Alice, Grace, and surprisingly Madison. Madison and Lauren hadn't been seen since, well since their fight. Adrian, Ashley, and Amy filled in the rest of the booth. Almost instantly the fun began. In just a blink of an eye two hours had flown by.

Adrian: Another round! Dame mas! Necesito mas que tengo!

Amy: What is she saying? (erupting in laughter)

Lauren: (visibly drunk) Who the hell knows! BAAAAARRRRRTTTTEEEEENNNDDDEERR! I need some more drinks!

The bartender, visibly annoyed with the girls delivered Adrian's and Lauren's new rounds. In just a matter of seconds the girls had downed them. Madison was on her 15th beer. Grace hadn't touched a drink all night. Before they went to dance, the girls chose to continue their talks.

Adrian: Que la chingada? Porque no estas tomando Grace?

Grace: Is she talking to me?


Adrian: No es mi problema. Si no saben espanol, pues simplamente no saben. Asi que, no puede ayur.

Amy: Why is she speaking in Spanish?

Ashley: Once she starts speaking in nothing but Spanish while drinking it means she is drunk. So drunk that she's gone for now.

Amy: Oh.

Adrian: (Gasolina starts playing) Vamonos!

The girls got up and made their way to the dance floor. They danced along to Gasolina. Letting it loose. Enjoying some quality time.

Grace: (speaking to Amy) By the way I hope you know this is your bachelorette party. We all planned it.

Adrian: Si! Felicidades!

Ashley, Madison, Lauren: Congrats Amy!   

Ashley: Okay we got to go. The final part of the night is ready.

The girls followed Ashley out of the club. They made their ways to the cars they had came in. Ashley drove Adrian's car while Adrian laid in the backseat. They drove for about five hours. The other girls following in Grace's car behind them. At the end of the five hours, they stopped in front a large expensive looking resort. In the valet line right in front of them was a limo.

Koontz Hotel & Resorts-Nobody's POV

The girls unloaded from both cars, and handed both sets of keys to the valet. As they did so, the doors of the limo in front of them flew open. Out stepped all the boys. Amy and Ricky were beyond happy. The rest of the boys and the rest of the girls had conspired with each other to bring both parties together without Ricky and Amy finding out. They had succeeded in their plan.

Amy: Thank you guys.

Grace: You're welcome. Now let's get this vacation started.

Ricky: Wait, we're all staying here?

Grace: You got that right. Don't even ask how we afforded that because we're not going to tell you. No, Ben did not pay for it.

Omar: Adrian, how are you?

Adrian: Chinga tu madre way!

The group entered and checked in. Where they were told they were on the very top floor and were in the main penthouse in the entire resort. Meaning they got all of the top floor to their selves because the main penthouse took up the whole floor. They each took one of the rooms. Ricky and Amy got the master bedroom, and everyone else each got their own bedroom. When dinner came around, they ate somewhat as a family. All together. The girls prepared the side dishes, and the boys prepared the meat on the grill that was provided for them on the balcony. The dinner table was full of buzz, chatter, and news. It truly was a party.

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