So, what should we talk about?

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Finally, they made it to Germanys house.  As they entered the place, China was immediatly freaked out by the first people he saw at the door.  Russia's sisters, Belarus and Ukraine.  "Right..." China muttered, "They're girls.  Forgot about that..."

"Welcome!" Hungary said, comeing up, waving.  "China, didn't exept to see you here."

"Neither did I." China said.  "No matter." Taiwan said, "Lets set things up."  Once they all got in, the first thing China realized was Austria in the kitchen, makeing coffee.  "Ni hao, Austria." he said, "Arn't you with the others."  Austria scoffed.  "Waisting my night watching M. Night Schamalan film?  I'd rather prepare stuff for the girls."  Thank goodness.  At least he'll have Austria with him.  "Hey, China!" Taiwan said, waving to him.  All the other girls sat around some sweets on a pink blankets.  To be completely honest, China found it kinda nice.  "Coffee?" Austria asked, walking over to them.

China eventually ended up sitting with them as Austria sat on a nearby chair on his IPod.  "Ok," Taiwan began, "So, what should we talk about?"

"How about the guys we like," Seychelles requested, "Isn't that what girls do?"  All the girls looked at each other and eventually nodded in agrement.  China, however, began to feel uncomfterable.  If some talked about him, what would he do?!  "Who do you like, Seychelles?" Taiwan asked.  Seychelles immediatly became flustered, as if she regretted what she said.  "W-Well.." she began, "I don't really like any guys here, but I were to choose one...uh...England ain't to bad."

Suddenly, Hungary and Lichenstein gasped, "England?!" Hungary said, "No way!"  Seychelles, still flustered, waved her arms nervously.  "If I HAD to choose one!" Seychelles echoed, "If not...I dunno, America's a lovable geek."

"I don't like America." Lichenstein said, "He's far too narssistic."  Finally, something China could agree on.  "I agree." he said, "America is just...something else.  Still can't beleive Japan is all buddy buddy with him."

"I rather like America," Vietnam said, gaining looks from everyone, "But as a boyfriend?  Hell no!  Only as a friend."  Ukraine nodded in agreement.  "Same." she said, "I see America as a brother.  Not Russia close, but getting there."

"How about you?" Taiwan asked Lichenstein.  "I-I'm with Seychelles here," she said, "I don't really like anyone.  But I do love my big brother, Switzerland.  He's so nice."  Hungary nodded, "I agree." she said, "Austria doesn't remember this, but him and Switzerland got it together.  Too bad their relationship didn't last too long."

"Out of all the crazy ones," China began,"Switzerland is one of the better ones."  Everyone nodded in agreement.  Switzerland was cool.  "My turn!" Hungary said.  All of the other girls sighed in annoyance.  "You love Austria and Prussia is always the third wheel." Vietnam said, "We get it."

"Hold on!" Hungary continued, "But if I couldn't choose hm, then I would choose-"

"Prussia, 'I guess'..." Vietnam said, finishing her sentice.  "Y-Yeah but...what about Spain?  He's cool."  All the other girls looked around, nodding.  "He is funny." Lichenstein said, "Too bad he's also a pervert."

"Yeah, but not as much as France." Seychelles said, "Trust me.  I know."

"And Prussia," Hungary spoke, "Thankfully, he's easy to take down."  As they all talked about Spain, China couldn't help but feel like the odd one out.  He doesn't know Spain very much, so in this conversation, he was totally lost.  "What about Portugal?" Lichenstein suddenly asked.  All of a sudden, all the girls immediatly began gushing over him.  "Aw man!" Hungary said, "He's like Spain, but SO much better!"


"So-um...who's the last one?" Taiwan said in a shaky voice.  China just couldn't stop looking at Belarus.  How could someone be so twisted?!  Then again, she is Russias sister.  As Belarus looked to the distance, China heard his name.  "Which boy do you like?" Taiwan asked. 

China frowned.  "Like I said," he began, "I'm a boy, not to mention it feels super awkward just listening to all you."

"Oh sorry," Taiwan said, somewhat sincere, "Then just tell us who you like and we can move on."

"I dunno...the closest relationship I've had is with Japan and he stabbed me in the back.  Well...I guess Russia's helped me out numerous times..."  That was followed by a death glare that belonged to Belarus.  As her dangerous aura grew ever stronger, Hungary suddenly got up.  She walked over to Austria, and slowly took out his earphones.  That's when China realized the guy was sleeping.  For how long?!  After turing the IPod off, Hungary soon preceived to strock the nations side bangs and tapped the cowlick.  Eventually, she walked back to them.  "Was that really nessessary?" Vietnam asked in slight annoyance.

"Yes." Hungary said, showing the IPod, "Listening to music while you sleep is really bad for you.  Anything can happen.  Fire, ear cancer, electric shock-"

"I'm talking about the sexual tension!" Vietnam snapped.  Hungary looked at her for a bit before shrugging.  "Can't I love him?" she asked.  Thats when Taiwan inhaled.  "HEY!" she let out, "Y'all know another thing girls do?  Hair styling!"

Suddenly, at that moment, Chinas soul left his body.  He hoped this wasn't what his thought it was.  Other people...touching his hair?!

Girls night out (Hetalia)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें