(2) LWW: It's a Beaver

Start from the beginning

Robin took this chance, while one of the boys was clicking his tongue and saying, "Here boy.", to leave. She headed silently into the deep of the forest where Beaver would bring them to her.

"Come this way." Mr. Beaver called. Robin raised her head from her paws and looked at the on coming company. Her black coat stood out like a sore thumb in the white snow. Even though she had temporarily buried herself into a small hole, of which she had dug to stay warm, she was still a black spot on a perfectly white ground. The children gasped as they saw her. Their eyes wide with fear and curiosity. "Don't worry, Robin wouldn't hurt the Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve. You are the reason she is here anyways."

Robin took it slow to stand up, her legs were stiff from walking and running so much. She was always in her cave for protection. He had told her to stay hidden and wait until the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve showed up, and here they were. She gave no bow, but a slight nod.

"Welcome to Narnia." She said her voice sweet and kind, but they could hear the sternness and commanding voice that she held back. They could feel the power that radiated off of her like perfume. "My name is Robin."

"Nice to meet you." Lucy said taking the first step. Robin smiled and gave a slight purr. "My name is Lucy." Robin smiled again, even though she already knew that. "This is Peter." She pointed to the older boy, then to older girl. "Susan, and Edmund." She ended on the younger boy.

"Pleasure to meet you, and I would love to stay for a chit-chat, but we must be going."

"Don't want to be caught here after night fall." Mr Beaver added. The children looked confused at what he said and Robin shot him a glare. Beaver just waved them off and started walking toward his dam.


There was little to no talking as they began. Lucy would try talking, but something about being in the presence of someone who felt powerful made her close her mouth again. Then she would try again, but still unsuccessful. Robin didn't notice her trying until she actually got a word out, although she wasn't sure what it was.

"If you want to speak, go ahead and do it." Robin said, she meant to sound kind, and she did but it still seemed like a command. Robin winced at her own words, and Lucy seemed more content now to be quiet than to talk. "I am sorry, Lucy. I, myself, I'm not one for talking. I like the quiet wood and trickling streams, and every now and then the sweet voice of the flute. Words have always come hard to me."

"Is that because you are not really suppose to be talking?" Asked Susan. Peter and Lucy shot her each a glare, and she looked down. Robin merely chuckled.

"In your world animals don't talk." She didn't ask this, more like stated it. "I can understand why you think I shouldn't talk. And to answer your question, I have a hard time talking because I am not suppose to be like this."

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked. She now stood beside the black cat and had a hard time not running her hand through it's fur.

"A long time ago, when Narnia was created, I was also brought here. I was merely a young girl then, I believe I was suppose to be something else though. Jadis was also brought here, but her means were not of good intention. Well, that is after she ate of the fruit. I tried to help Digory stop her, but all it gained was me being wounded. The creator of the world sought me out and saved me, but for him to truly save me he had to give me some of himself, making me who I am now. I will one day be able to change from one form to another, but for that to happen I need him to come back. And when he does I will be a young girl again, around your age Susan. I will be a young girl with a special talent of going from one form to another." It had grown deathly quiet around them, and Robin went into deep thought of her past.

"Whose name did you say?" Susan asked after a while.

"Jadis? She is the White Wit-"

"No, no you mentioned another name."

"Ah, Digory. Yes, he was a Son of Adam too, and also the one who brought Jadis here, along with our last King and Queen."

"Digory is the name of the professor." Peter stated looking at Susan.

"Who?" Robin stopped and looked back at the two older siblings. She now noticed that Edmund had fallen behind a good ways.

"A friend of ours. The one who owns the Spare Room and Wardrobe." Lucy said, but she was looking as much confessed as Robin. Peter and Susan shock it off and started walking again, causing Robin and Lucy to have to walk forward. Robin thought about what they had said. Could he still be alive? She thought to herself. Could, after all these year, could he still be alive?

"Ah, blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on." Beaver said stopping at the top of an over-look peering down upon a little pond based area. A dam was built up around one side and on the inside of the dam was a small stick house. The logs frozen together creating a beautiful home. "Nice cup o' Rosy Lee." Robin smiled, how she did love a good cup of tea.

"It's lovely." Lucy stated, you could hear in her voice she meant it too.

"It's merely a trifle. Still plenty to do. Ain't quite finished it yet. It'll look the business when it is, though." Mr. Beaver continued talking as they descended down the snow slick hill.

Once at the bottom a feminine voice rang out of the doorway. "Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick!" Mrs. Beaver came around the corner not paying any attention to who all it was. "If I find you've been out with Badger again, I..." She now saw them and went into standing completely still. "Well, those aren't badgers." She whispered. Once over her shock she walked forward again. "Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day." She looked to Robin and lowered her head in respect. "Robin, welcome back." Robin nodded her head. Mrs. Beaver looked down at her brown coat. "Look at me fur. You couldn't give me ten minutes warning?" She directed her question to Mr. Beaver, who merely stated that he would have given her all week, if he thought it would have helped. Everyone chuckled and giggled at this.

"Oh, come inside, and we'll see if we can't get you some food, and some civilized company." Mr. Beaver now chuckled alone and pointed in the direction his wife had left.

"Now, careful." Mr. Beaver warned as the girls--including Robin--walked into their home. "Watch your step."

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