Chapter 14

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Adysens P.O.V.

I place my hand on the couch next to me only to feel a large body lieing there. My eyes quickly shoot open to examine my surroundings.  I look over to the right of me to see sleeping jenny and Adrian.

I look to the left to see the body that my hand had touched when I first woke up, Jake. Looking around the house and I see trash everywhere. I stand up only causing  my killer headache from my hangover to make an appearance.  I am so dead.

15 hours earlier

" That song that you and Jake recorded in there was amazballs!" Adrian shrieks climbing into the passengers seat as I go into the drivers. You guys seriously killed it."

I smile and nod not knowing how to reply to her comments. "Thanks? I guess."

"No problem , I can't  wait for tonight" she says getting really excited.

The words make me swerve the car to the side of the road.

"Tonight ?" I ask puzzled

"The party silly"

Suddenly her words from earlier come back to me ' Don't forget about the sleepover, bring Jake too!'

My hand tighten around the wheel, feeling butterflies the pit of my stomach. Jake was coming over to my house tonight. A ton of questions begin running through my head. "What if he doesn't like my house? He lives in a fancy condo and I live in a small 3 bedroom house in a crappie neighborhood."

"Ady, Jake Freaking Miller is coming to your house tonight. The person you've had a crush on for years, and all you can worry about is 'what if he doesn't like my house?' She says in a mocking tone.

She has a point. I push all the questions to the back of my head and try not to think about it anymore.

"What are going to do about my mom? " I ask

"Don't worry, Jenny and I took care of it."

Something about this doesn't feel right.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

I walk into the front of my house to be greeted by my mom and Eden's dad.

I couldn't stand her. Once upon a time we were best friends, that is before she started dating Adrians brother and turned into a demon.

"There you are!" My mom's voice says bringing me out of my thoughts. Edens dad and I are going camping."

"Okay, umm hey Mr.Mercer" I say with a slight smile. He smiles and gives me a small wave.

"We are already running a little behind schedule so we have to get going. There is money for pizza and emergency on the counter. She explains

My mom wraps her arms around me to embrace me in a tight hug.

"Eden is in your room, she is going to stay with you while we're gone. "

"It'll be just like old times." Mr.Mercer adds with a genuine smile before he and my mother both turn and walk out the door.

"Just like old times."  I say through clinched teeth before turning around to glare at Adrian.

"Hey, I said I handled it. I never said you'd like the way I handled it" she says trying to defend herself

"Yeah, okay." Was my reply before I walked away and headed to my room to greet the demon.

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It's finally summer so I'll try to update more often!

what do you think is going to go down next chapter?

Don't. forget to vote! (:

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