A sight

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Before we get started,see those pics at the top, that has nothing to do with the story.Ok,I hope you enjoy!


Pov Bertholt

I walked to school.That girl....Why is she in my head!!!!! Shake,shake!You dumb head! Why did I did that yesterday!But, she was very cute...
What was her name....Ymir! Beautiful name!She was very adorable.

Anyway,I was going to meet up ,my best friends.Reiner and Annie.I need to tell them.

Reiner: Bertholt,hey bro!
Bertholt:Oh,hi guys.I need to tell you something very important.
Annie: What?....
Bertholt:I have a crush!
Reiner:On who?
Bertholt:I...l-like ... Y-Ymir...
Annie:Who?Oh, I know who she is!
Reiner:You*chuckled*have a crush on her!Why,here?!Of all people!
Bertholt:Stop that!

I really need to go.To see...her.The one who made me smile.

Pov Ymir

I was next to my locker.Historia ran up to me.Jumping up and down.

Historia:Gurl,I was just asked out on a date!

Historia:Reiner Braun!

I closed my locker.I was happy for her!But, I'm lonely... Who cares! I don't...


She shrieked.I covered up my ears.👂 Ow!!!!

Historia: So-sorry...
Ymir: It's fine.

Oh,no!I need to go!I ran, leaving Historia there.I'm sorry!Huh.


I see Bertholt,I think...?He is beating the same guy,Eren.Why?I looked.Huh?


Would you give me your smile?

Why?Stop! Thinking of him!I got my head with my hand.Why????

Bertholt looked at me.He stood up.

Pov Bertholt

I Stood up.She was there looking at me.She blushed,and ran away.I ran after here.

Eren:Hey, you come back here!

Still running after her.There she was looking through her locker. The one I love!

I daydreamed for a second.She vanished.What?

I ran back.I saw Reiner.

Bertholt:Reiner, Where is Marcel?
Reiner:He's in the boys room!
Bertholt:Ok,*sigh*What about Annie?
Reiner:She's busy, with something...
Bertholt:Ok,I need to talk to you....
Reiner: Wait,She made a new friend.
Reiner:My new date,Historia!
Bertholt:Did she tell you something about her?

Waiting for an answer.

Reiner: Well,She said she looks like a nerd, tomboyish and cute.Well, I bought that one! She's a transfer student.Her parents are members of the Scouts.


Bertholt:Is she free?
Reiner:Yeah,you should tell her!
I blushed.


Pov Ymir

I was walking home.I saw Marco Bodt.
Marco ran to me.


I felt something touching my butt.It was Marcos hand.I blushed.

Marco: You're very cute.

Bertholt came and pushed Marco.He grabbed my wrist.He took me to corner.He did the same position like the one from yesterday.But, instead not smirking with a serious face.I was still blushing from before.I... don't know what is happening!

Bertholt:You belong to me.

His face come closer to mine.

Bertholt:You belong to me, me only.No other man or woman can touch you. You are mine!Listen,I love you...Ymir. You are cute and adorable!You must be mine...Your hair...Your mouth...



Thanks,for reading.Bye,see you next time!After doing Chapter 4 (next Chapter). But,next Chapter,just my way.You should suggest!

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