Strauberryjam - Pranks

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        “Straub, are we actually going to do it?” You laugh at the great idea your best friend just came up with.

   “Yes! This ‘strawberry jam’ must be called ‘strauberry jam’!” Straub grins widely. So, basically, his great idea was to go to the store. You guys would bring sharpies and change the ‘w’ on the strawberry jam to a ‘u’. Straub thought it was absolutely brilliant, and you thought it was pretty clever.

            “So are we going or not?” Straub practically yells. You giggle and nod. Since the store isn’t too far from his house, you guys don’t even bother driving over there. When you leave the house, you guys walk side by side, chattering away.

    “Y/N, thanks for doing this idea with me. If we get in trouble, well, I hope you can run fast.” Straub smirks.

    “I’m not too bad at running,” You say, smirking as well. You both quickly approach the store.

    “Ready?” Straub asks, grinning mischievously.

    “Of course,” You respond, heading into the store with him. You both smile at the cashiers and go down to the condiments aisle.

            “And go!” Straub says excitedly. You pick up jars of ‘strawberry jam’ and begin to change the ‘w’ to a ‘u’. Both of you work hard to make sure no one can see a ‘w’ anymore, but a clear ‘u’. You both finish within ten minutes.

   “That didn’t take as long as I expected,” Straub says, smiling his cute smile of his.

   “Not at all,” You reply, staring into his gorgeous green eyes. All you wanted to do was kiss him passionately, right in the middle of the store. But you knew better. First of all, he was only your best friend. Second of all, he didn’t like PDA.

            “So, what now?” He asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.

    “Let’s buy some eggs,” You suggest.

    “Eggs?” Straub questions.

    “Yeah, eggs. We could egg people’s houses.” You grin deviously.

    “I’m down,” Straub says, going over to the dairy aisle. He grabs two cartons of eggs and you both head over to the cashier. He rings the eggs up and Straub pays. You both abruptly leave after that.

            When you’re walking to his house, Straub starts laughing. Since his laugh is so contagious, you begin to laugh as well.

   “So, who are we going to egg first?” You ask, innocently. Straub shakes his head and grins.

   “How about my next door neighbors? Their dog tried to attack Alfonz.” Straub cackles.

   “Sounds great,” You reply as you both run outside. You both begin to chuck eggs at their garage door, their car, and their front door. Straub laughs and you smile. When you run out of eggs, you both throw the cartons down on the ground and run back inside Straub’s house.

            “That was so much fun,” You say, out of breath. Straub nods, and stares at your lips. You blush, and pull him towards you. You connect your lips with his and he kisses you passionately. This is the moment you’ve always been waiting for.

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