You deserve it. My fathers voice growls. I nod mentally, he's right. I do deserve it.

"I am." I murmur quietly, looking at my lunch. Darcey stays silent beside me, holding her fork so tight that it almost snaps at her hold.

"You okay Darce?" I ask in a whisper. She looks to me with confusion, then to her fork. She releases the tension with a small, forced smile.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine." She lies.

After a few moments of chatting, the boys beside us grow quiet. I look over to them. Jason looks back to me, then the doorway.  He jerks his head with a clenched jaw,motioning for me to go over to him.

"What's wrong?" I ask him when he places his hands on my waist. He sets his head on my shoulder, his breath fanning my neck and making me shiver.

"Nothing." He says half-heartedly, kissing my cheek.

Darcey watches the doorway intently, causing my gaze to fall that way too. Slowly, our group becomes quiet, staring at the group of men walking in.

Each has a bag slung over their shoulders. They're all dressed nicely, some in khakis and others in jeans. All of them look like they were made by the Gods themselves, crafted to perfection. But there was only one that caught my eye. At the same time I look to him, his gaze falls to me. He shoves a hand in his pocket and waves his fingers at me from his bag strap. I frown.

Doctor Tate?

I was lied to, but I knew it before I saw him.

I now understand the protectiveness of the jocks. There's no way any of them can compete with that beauty radiating off of the group.

The boys in our group whisper to their girlfriends, who nod in return. I can tell none of them are listening, to busy looking at Doctor Tate and his friends.

The girls that he walks past practically try to throw themselves on him, fluttering their fake lashes and flashing smiles.

"Look away." Jason says in a rough voice. I know that voice, the voice that says do what I say or else.

I obey immediately, turning into him and wrapping my arms around his waist. He does the same, kissing my neck. I sigh in content, setting my head on his chest.

Eventually, the chatter starts up again and I'm released from his grip. All of the girls continue chatting, though the God-looking men have finally reached the group of jocks.

A few of the jocks, including Jason, start talking to them. By the looks of it, they're giving the, you can't touch them talk, referring to us girls. Most of the cheerleaders have a boyfriend, or are on the verge of it. All except Darcey.

"You need a boyfriend." I say suddenly, looking at her with a goofy smile.

"Pardon me?" She asks, looking to me while choking on her pasta. I laugh and side hug her while she does the same to me.

"Well, I have a boyfriend," I spin my pasta around on my fork. "I think it's only fair that we get you one too. You know, we could go to the store and buy one on Saturday." I shrug my shoulders. She breaks down laughing.

"I wish, that would make it so much easier." She clutches her stomach, smiling.

"You know what would be even easier than that? Soul mates. Then at least you know that they love you as much as you love them, maybe even more." I sigh with a small frown, staring at the grey table.

"How about that guy?" Darcey points to the man that pretended to be my Doctor.

"I've already found my soulmate." I say. "How about the blonde guy? For you, he looks perfect."

Dream {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now